[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 01:54 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

So, Eon was his name and his history was not something he wanted to talk about. Well, she supposed that made it a little easier on her, then. She wouldn't be expected or questioned about her own history, not that she could remember it anyways. That didn't mean others didn't try to make her. Thankfully, the topic was avoided all together and instead Eon mentioned something entirely different. A Kingdom. She had no idea that there was a whole entire kingdom around here. She envisioned pieces of docks stretching out over cresting waves that reached towards the sandy shores. She saw within her mind's eye an area that seemed to be made for socializing, with a long bar stretched out and various places to sit and drink and watch the sun set over the shores. A wolf golden with beautiful hair flashed before her and then another that stood proud and confident. Instinctually, she felt that she knew who they were, but she couldn't recall names or memories with them. She felt that she knew the docks, the establishment, but how or why was lost to her. She shook her head in frustration, trying to shake away the hurt as the memories floated just outside of her grasp. She knew that she knew these places her mind showed her, but where? Why? How? 

A paw came up and rubbed at her head, shaking her dreads lose so they fell once more around her face as she lifted her muzzle and looked at Eon. "No, not at all. I've just been living on the beaches since I got here. I woke up in the depths of the ocean in that sunken ship out yonder. You've seen it? I thought I was gonna drown and meet Tyr when suddenly a bubble of air popped up around me and floated me to the surface. Only problem was," Reed leaned into Eon, lowering her tone as she glanced around to see if anyone else could hear her. The fact she was about to share was a shameful fact for her. "I don't know how to swim." She leaned back and looked left and right again, double checking her surroundings. "I made it to shore with Mar pushing me along and a stranger found me and helped me. Since then after I recovered I've been practicing my dancing skills while I wait for my crew to show up." 

Speaking of her dagger, Reed realized suddenly that she had never recovered it from the sands. Not to mention there was fruit now split open into two pieces, enough for each of them to enjoy. She paced over to her dagger and grabbed it by it's hilt, then with an exaggerated flourish she sheathed the weapon. The coconut was not quite ripe, but that didn't stop Reed from offering Eon the other half. "Here, you want some of this?" She took half of the coconut, which was coated in a fine layer of sand, and licked at the inside, lapping up the sweet leftover juice inside before nibbling at the soft flesh. "What's this Kingdom like? Is it a good one, or a bad one?" She plopped down into the sands, her short tail clearing the sand behind her as it wagged, dragging dreads back and forth.