so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 12:49 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

It hadn't taken Eon long to pluck his own frond from the plants and return to her, the both of them now smiling with dabbles of blood dripping from their gums and mouths. Seeing the bursts of energy, the recovery from his coughing, it meant her magic had worked better than she had thought. Good. Hopefully it would mean he'd recover more quickly naturally. At his question, she smirked at him as she answered, "Well, that depends on how comfortable you want your bed to be. If you don't mind sleeping on hard rock and rough sand, then just these two will do. If it were me sleeping there, however, I'd probably want... oh, say ten or so?" In reality, she wanted a bed from her old kingdom, made up of sheep pelts and soft furs piled on beds of freshly fluffed hay. Her bed had been the softest bed she'd ever had, and she desperately missed it. 

Positioning the frond between her paws, she chewed at the plant bits to pull and strip them off of the main branch. Once peeled and broken off, the pieces were much more flexible and softer. With a toss of her muzzle, she threw them into a pile off to her side, then started to work the other side of the same frond. "If you want to fetch them, I'll strip them. Or, we can swap. Whichever you would prefer. I don't mind a little pain here or there." An honest truth, and one of the reasons she made such a good fighter. She could take a beating and still keep up the fight. 

"Say, Eon," she started, pausing in her frond stripping to turn and look at the small canid. Her grin and smiles from before had disappeared and a more stoic expression had appeared. Her face was harder, yet not unkind. "I know you just got here and all. But before... back in the lands we shared before. Did you... did you ever see my children? Do you know if they're well?" She was afraid to ask Eon, afraid to learn an answer that she didn't like. And yet, the part of her that had to know was stronger, so she asked her question anyways. The hope that he would say yes, and that they were safe and prosperous outweighed the fear that he might say that they had met Tsillah. It was likely, in reality, that Eon wouldn't even know her children if he had met them. It was unlikely they were running around and telling everyone that Enya was their mother, especially since she hadn't really acted as one to begin with. No, it had been a stupid question to ask. She should have thought it through more before she had spoken. Her heart, however, had gotten the better of her, so she spoke with it first instead of her brain, as was usual for Enya. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac