[P] Ghostly Figures
OOC Date: 10-30-2023, 10:40 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/14/2023  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

It seemed that Huck bought her made-up story easily enough, and inwardly Reed let out a sigh of relief, grateful that he hadn't questioned her any further. In fact, he seemed to buy the story a little bit too much. She started to worry and wonder if he'd be telling others about the dreadlock wolf he'd found stomping through the swamp muds with a special named dagger. If he did, would she be ok with him continuing her lie? 'Yes' she answered with little hesitation. As Huck moved to give her space, she shook herself once more and turned to lead him back along the path she had made on the way here. However, as he mentioned yanking teeth out of an unwilling alligator, Reed began to wonder if he had the wrong idea. 

He stepped forward into the underbrush, shouting back at her, and she watched as his long, golden hair started to push through the foliage ahead. There she lingered, frowning. He didn't really mean he'd go on and yank the teeth out of the poor gators, did he? That sounded awfully painful and mean just to gather something nice to have... Maybe she just had to clear the air with him. 

Clearing the frown from her muzzle, Reed leapt forward to catch up with the other wolf. "Wait!" she called after him, her sword and dagger jangling on her side noisily as she pushed through the brush herself, her paws slipping from time to time in the slick muds. Heck this swamp! "I uh," she started, her voice still raised as she tried to scramble and catch up. She wasn't made for this! She was brawny and thick, after all, not lean and agile. Her thick fur snagged on every twig and stick that reached out towards her. Despite her struggles, she managed to reach Huck and when she did, she panted out "Wait", repeating herself a second time. This was important! They needed to be on the same page. She didn't bother taking a second to catch her wind and instead continued on past her heavy breaths. "I don't think... that's very nice...yanking their teeth out... by force." She didn't want to make quick work of a gator with her dagger. The dagger was meant to stop evil, not to be used to take things that belonged to others just because. Reed understood the cycle of life and her part in it as a predator, but that didn't give her the right to cut up a gator's face for another wolf's satisfaction. That would make Huck the monster here. "We should just ask them." she suggested as her panting calmed down. She tossed her head, reshuffling the dreads that hang around her face. "I'm sure they'll be happy enough to oblige us." Being nice went a lot further than being mean, she had learned in life. Too bad most of that lesson had been taught to her while she was sheltered and safe as a youth.