[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 10-14-2023, 05:32 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya wasn't sure what condition Caedwyn had ended up in after the initial swipe. She didn't have time to wonder. Her goal was to distract the beast from Caedwyn to give him time to (hopefully) recover. Her spring had proved true and her fangs found a fold of skin and ripped the flesh, inciting a roar from the predator. Just as quickly as she had bolted up to the beast and leapt up, she sprung back and away, dancing out of it's reach. As she turned her back briefly on the bear, her teal eyes searched the area. There she saw Caedwyn getting back to his feet. The odor of blood filled her nostrils and tainted her sensitive tongue. She knew what she sensed was the bear's blood fresh on her own muzzle, but she couldn't help but wonder how bad Caedyn's injury was. She had witnessed him get smacked by the brute, but hadn't watched for long enough to see the resulting injury. 'He can handle himself' she reminded herself as she heard him growl out his frustration. 'He doesn't need me worrying over him. That won't help either of us. I have to focus. Stay focused, Enya!' 

She whirled around to face the bear once more, watching with her peripherals the foliage dry up and the tree behind the beast drop it's needles. Was Caedwyn once again pulling at her magic? And yet, as she watched within the seconds that went by, she realized that she did not see any water rising from the wilting foliage. Whatever he had done, it seemed to have pissed the bear off good. He roared and stomped a heavy paw on the ground, then charged. Enya tried to spring away, but she was too slow. She had made the biggest mistake: underestimated her opponent. Now she paid the price. 

Small as she was, the bear's large long muzzle easily found it's grasp around her waist. Enya cried out in pain as she felt it's teeth close on her hips. She turned to snap at the bear's limbs, to keep it from reaching up and slashing her open. Her instincts to save herself pulled at her Will. They reacted to the first thing she saw once her eyes began to glow. She saw the bear, so she became a bear. The shift was almost instantaneously as her figure morphed from the red-tinted wolf to a large bear equal to the size of the one she and Caedwyn fought. Unlike the other bear, her pelt maintained it's coloration, though her scales were gone. Instead of a glittering underside, she wore heavy thick fur. Her scars and notched ear remained, giving Caedwyn easy opportunity to tell her apart from the enemy. With her shift complete and her hips bleeding, she turned to the bear who had been forced to release it's grip on her and let out a deafening roar of defiance. Fuck this bear indeed. 

Enya: 8/8
Attack: While shifting, the sudden change causes the bear's jaw to stretch abnormally wide. Severity of injury (if applicable) is up to NPC player. 
Success: Bear is injured for -1HP
Failure: Bear let go in time to not be inured. 

Special: Shifts into a bear the size of the one they are fighting. Enya retains her colors and markings loosely, but loses her scales. 
Success: Gains +1 attack to be used for 1 turn
Failure: Receives no bonus for shifting. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac