Canyon Spooks [AW]
OOC Date: 10-14-2023, 02:52 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/08/2023  in  Rocky Canyon  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Skinny 19"
Trade (untasked)
Health3 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 5 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

She waited in nervous silence for a response. The lack of response was disconcerting, but so were most things. Had she imagined it? Was there another around trying to play a prank on her? Was there a threat? There was no way in knowing in the silence. At least, it was silent until another screech echoed through the canyon.

Braith yelped and jumped at the sound and finally started to move. She crept as quietly as she could until she found herself near the closest wall of rocks. Surely she could find some sort of clump of larger rocks to hide in for the night… right? At least, that’s what she hoped.

As quietly as she could, the small wolf jumped up onto a mid-size stone, then another, and another as she climbed roughly ten feet above the ground and took a few glances around and froze with widened eyes
at the sight of light a short distance away. There was another nearby. But it didn’t seem like the screeching noise was coming from that direction… So where was it coming from?

There was no way Braith could sleep with her thoughts sprinting through her mind, not with the knowledge that there was another nearby… and possibly more. What she didn’t pick up, however, was the looming shadows that started to move closer to the light in the distance… she didn’t even notice the movement on some of the side of the canyon in the distance above her while her eyes remained glued on the light. 

At least, she didn’t notice them until some pebbles and smaller stones were kicked off the side of the wall. Almost immediately, Braith’s gaze shot up towards the sound. What she saw (even if it wasn’t completely clear due to her perspective and the darkness) made her yelp loudly in fear as she scrambled backwards.

Walk  "Speak"  Magic

success - Braith manages to safely get off of the rocks she had climbed to start running towards the light with a bit of a head start
fail - Braith scrambles backwards and completely falls off of the rocks,
causing her to cry out in pain and does not have a head start to run away

either way, Braith causes a noisy commotion in the darkness. Have fun!