[P] Ghostly Figures
OOC Date: 10-08-2023, 12:26 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/14/2023  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3

Huck squinted a bit as little lumps of mud and grime went flying when Reed took to shaking her legs off one by one. "You see this dagger here? It isn't any ordinary dagger." When she leaned in, Huck's tail froze with anticipation. His ears pricked forward and he leaned in equally close, tiling his ear toward Reed's mouth to allow her to share whatever secret information she might have. He wanted to know so badly now! It wasn't an ordinary dagger?! That meant it was something special! When she offered to tell him the secret, he nodded quickly and his legs wiggled up and down in the mud as he tried to contain his excitement at being included in the information. "Uh huh, I promise," he wispered in agreement, wiggling closer still and putting his butt down to the ground in a sit so he could more aptly pay attention.

"It's called Silencer, the Tideturner"

"Whoaoooooh" he whispered as Reed's words started weaving an imaginary story in his mind about this legendary blade. He imagined one hundred foes falling at the end of the dagger - their battle cries silenced forever and one lone survivor sneaking away to tell the tale. 'It was the silencer.' That survivor would whisper in the dark corners of taverns and alleyways to anyone who would listen. 'The Tideturner felled one thousand monsters at the battle of blackwood!' another would say. "Scallywags....." he whispered again in amazement as his eyes nearly glazed over with imagination. This lady must have been a real warrior! A hero maybe! But definitely an adventurer if she had such an important dagger like that. And on top of that: she had to keep it away from evil-doers. She was definitely an adventurer.

Huckleberry lifted his bottom from the ground, his tail resuming its excited wag when Reed spoke of alligators. He'd almost forgotten the alligators! It was hard to focus on something like that when you were face to face with someone so amazing like this. "Really?!" he replied, his voice returning to normal volume. "Gosh that sounds like a lot of fun! And with your - " he coughed, looking around to make sure nobody was listening before whispering - "... special dagger..." - his voice returning to normal "... I bet we could make quick work of a gator. By golly we'll just have to yank those teeth out by force if they don't wanna give'em to us." He stepped back from Reed allowing her some room to move and hopped over behind her where her trail in the mud led. He assumed south was that way since she said it was the way she'd come from.

"Last one there's a gators lunchbox!" he called in a teasing voice before pushing off through the brush again, following the trail through the mud that Reed had left.