[P] Ghostly Figures
OOC Date: 10-08-2023, 12:03 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/14/2023  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

'Huckleberry Stone' the other wolf quickly and eagerly shared with her. He even went so far as to give her a nickname to call her by, which Reed eagerly nodded along to and accepted. "Nice to meet ya too, Huck!" she quickly echoed with rising and matching excitement. Her frown was disappearing and was being replaced with a smile quickly all thanks to Huck. So, when he dove into more questions she didn't know the answer to, a frown didn't creep up again. Instead, her mind tried and tried to recall the answer to anything he asked. 

"I uh" she stammered in response, using the moment where he told her about his rocks and his desire to hunt for gator accessories to quickly try to come up with something that seemed like a reasonable answer. His giggle of hushed whispers encouraged Reed's mind. "Well I uh," she started again, finally standing back up and wiggling herself free from the mud at last. She shook and sent clumps flying, then at last reached around to sheath her dagger on her side. 

"Well!" she started anew, lifting her legs and shaking each of them off in turn, first doing the front legs, then the back. "You see this dagger here? It isn't any ordinary dagger." She leaned in just like how Huck had before and matched his same enthusiasm and tone, "It's a named dagger. It's called, well, I probably shouldn't even say it's name" She pulled away, feigned looking around to see if anyone else was nearby to hear them, then leaned in closer to whisper while giggling herself, "but I'll tell you if you promise to keep it a secret. Deal?" She didn't wait for a response before she fed him the information, "It's called Silencer, the Tideturner" Just as casually as she had leaned in, she leaned away again and resumed her normal tone to continue with her story. "It's said that someone with this dagger wields the power of the storms and winds. It's highly sought after, and there's nothing else like it in the entire entire world" She added the second entire while emphasizing the word to prove a point. "I had to wrestle some real scallywags to keep it out of monster's paws. Could you imagine what someone could do with this thing? That's why I have to watch over it carefully." 

As she finished her tall tale, she readjusted herself to stand proudly, no, heroically, to put emphasis on how seriously she took her self-assigned job. "If you're looking for gators, I seen some back south where I came from. The water runs better there, and there's less mud to deal with." Tyr she could do without the mud. "I could help ya look if ya want? Watch your back in case one of 'em gets all 'ornery. They probably won't like giving you their skull or teeth."