[P] Ghostly Figures
OOC Date: 10-07-2023, 10:41 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/14/2023  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3

It was just another day of wild games and adventure for Huckleberry. For several days now, the idea of the swamp had invaded his mind. It started when he had overheard one of the elders telling old stories by the campfire where he'd been staying. It had been an old panther, weaving some tall-tale of the golden days when he stalked the bayou, wrestled with alligators, and strangled snakes for necklaces. Huckleberry's eyes had come alite, wide with wonder and curiosity in the dim light of the fire as he listened. It sounded amazing! But the swamp was no place for youngsters, the old panther had added on quickly, sternly telling Huck that he should stay clear of the deep mud and thick muck of the swamp. "There's dangerous critters out there," the panther had warned. But Huck paid no mind. He'd barely made it till morning with hardly a wink of sleep before he'd grabbed a small knapsack of snacks and belongings and headed off toward the swamp. He wanted to see an alligator!

So now here he was, wading through mud that came up to his knees and ducking his head under hanging moss and vines as he wandered around. The thick reeds around the water parted with a swoosh-swoosh noise as he pushed through. But still he hadn't seen an alligator. The water was too murky to just stick his head in (and he would know because he had already tried that at least twice before giving up on that method), but there didn't seem to be any sign of gators on the shore. He let out a little angry huff as he moved up to a sturdier piece of land and sat down for a moment to catch his breath and think of a plan.


A voice cried out and at first Huck wasn't sure if it was just another bird-call echoing through the trees and water. Nope, he'd definitely heard the word 'snails' in there somewhere. Getting to his feet, he scampered off toward the sound. It was in an area of thicker vegetation and even he had to push through the vines that pulled around his neck and shoulders as he tried to make his way through. He made no attempt to hide his approach, between the sound of branches snapping and the "sshhhhlop" sound of mud being flung around when he walked.

"Did someone say 'Snails?'" He asked curiously as he heard a commotion ahead. This must have been who he heard! He pushed through the last bit of leaves to see a brown wolf holding a knife in her mouth. Or was it a dagger? A short-sword? He wasn't sure on the specifics of such things, but it sure did look cool! And she even had a bandana around her neck. A sword. A bandana... and it even had a skull and crossbones. Huck paused for a moment, tipping his head to the side. "ARE YOU A PIRATE?" he blurted out with excited enthusiasm.