[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 10-07-2023, 02:52 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

Shared Account

His paw landed true, catching the flesh of the brown wolf's neck and throwing him backward. But just as quickly as the first wolf was pushed down, the other was at the bears neck. He swiped blindly at her maroon body but somehow couldn't hit her as his steps shuffled backward. He could feel the sharp fangs of the wolf pierce and rip at his neck before she released and jumped away. Blood dripped to the ground and he turned his head slightly, lifting his paw to the injury on his neck to check the severity of the injury. It wasn't immediately life threatening, but a prolonged fight would certainly cause it to bleed more profusely.

While he was checking his injury, he had missed the brown wolf regaining his footing and slinking away. The bears dark eyes finally looked up at the pair of filthy wolves. He was going to teach them a lesson. But something was biting at his feet, at his bones, as his nerves. It was like a million icy needles, like freezing to death in winter or that tingly biting feeling when your limb 'fell asleep'. It hurt. It hurt! Poison. It must have been poison from that little female wolf. It must have been! She had bit his neck and injected some sort of poison!

He let out an enraged, painful roar, slamming his front legs down on the ground before charging forward toward the pair of wolves (though slightly more toward the female). The female was obviously the biggest threat. The brown one was injured. She had already bitten and poisoned him (or so he though). He needed to take care of her first! Running toward her, he charged forward and opened his large jaws, attempting to bite at anything he could grab.


ooc. The bear swipes at Enya while she is biting but can't land a hit due to her dodge roll.

Health: 18/20 Revising health cause we gave bear too much: 8/10
Attack: 5
Dodge: 3
Special: 1
