[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 10-07-2023, 02:41 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

Crack! The sound of a branches snapping drew Caedwyn's attention just as a loud, heavy thud landed on the ground behind him, but his reaction wasn't quick enough. Just as his mind recognized the shape of the bear towering over him, a blurry paw swiped at him. He tried to move but his movements felt like they were in slow motion. Long sharp bear-claws slashed into his neck, throwing him backward into the boulders that formed the entrance of the cave. His head was spinning and he swore he was seeing stars as his vision blacked out for a moment before coming again in a blurry haze. He couldn't remember falling but as his vision started to clear, he found himself on the ground and the scent of blood and musky bear-scent filled his nose. He lifted his head and turned back toward where the bear had been, to see Enya jumping up and biting at it's neck.

There was a bear. His mind was murky still. There's a bear. THERE'S A BEAR. He blinked a couple times, still watching as Enya jumped away with agile grace. A bear! It had gotten the drop on them. He'd been too busy trying to entertain Enya with his antics that he'd been careless, reckless even. And now instead of having a plan of surprise, they were both on the defensive and he'd already been knocked down. Damnit. He pushed his legs beneath him, scrambling to his feet before jumping away from the bear to get a better position.

"Damnit. He growled, baring his teeth toward the beast. "Well there goes our plan." He scoffed angrily. more at himself than toward Enya, though his voice was definitely loud enough for her to hear. He could feel his anger welling up inside him, burning in his chest hotter and hotter. He was furious that the bear had surprised him like that. Furious that he'd been so careless and furious that he'd been embarrassed like that in front of Enya. His rage burned. He could feel it coursing through him, through his veins like hot fire. Even the pads of his feet felt hot and his breath seemed to steam in the cool mountain air as he stared down the bear. Fuck this bear. He might have been satisfied with scaring it off before, but now he wanted it dead. He wanted it's pelt as a trophy and its skull as revenge.

Caedwyn pulled at his magic. He wanted this bear to die. He wanted to suck the life right out of it and watch it wither and die. As he let his rage consume him, his magic ebbed forth. A wicked, cold magic the moved down his legs - momentarily cooling the heat that had risen in him - out through the ground and toward the bear. The small plants and weeds around him began to wither and shrivel into dark brown and black husks. The tree behind the bear started to drop a million brownish-red needles as the smaller branches dried up and cracked away. His eyes remained locked onto the bear.

Health: 7/8
Attack: Uses Void magic to suck the life out of the bear (intense cold feeling / decay)
Success: -1HP to bear
Fail: no effect but plants in surrounding area die
