[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-30-2023, 12:00 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

Shared Account

Up in the tree, the large, black bear had simply been relaxing, taking in the view, and doing bear-things when the quiet of the afternoon was broken. What was all this yapping exactly? Large dark eyes peered downward to see two canids approach on the path up toward his cave. First one of them was barking and prancing around in front of the cave. Eyes watched with anxious curiosity at the event. Is this what wolves were normally like? Yet despite the curiosity, the bear remained still. That was instinctual. Though they were close to his den, he had learned over the years that most trespassers would quickly move along without his interference. But these two were lingering and the female wolf seemed to be leaving some sort of scent marking in front of the cave as she pranced around. Was this some sort of threat display?

The bear shifted uncomfortably, long claws clinging to the trunk of the tree. They hadn't seemed to notice him yet. But wait, the other wolf was now approaching as well. This was his territory. His cave. These wolves were a threat. He could hear them barking and growling (to his bear ears their voices sounded this way). They were standing so close to the tree. Surely they must have already noticed him.

That was it. That was definitely what was happening. They had cornered him up the tree and were barking to their pack mates, summoning the rest of their evil hoard to come attack him. He had ran into wolves before. They were never friendly in his experience. He had to do something and do it quickly before the rest of them arrived. Maybe if he could dispatch one of these ones, the rest would get frightened and think twice before attacking? Quickly building up courage that turned into aggressive rage, the bear slid down the tree branch. The brown one was right below him. If he moved quickly, he could get a swipe on him first.

The bear came down the tree with surprising speed, sending twigs and branches flying, just as a strong wind came rushing across the face of the mountain. As he neared the bottom, he released the trunk and landed with a heavy plop onto the dirt below, practically on top of the brown wolf. The gold-eyed wolf was looking at him with wide, sinister eyes. He had to attack now. Now was his opportunity. Letting out an angry roar, the bear rose up and swiped a heavy claw out in front of him, slashing at anything he could.


Health: 20/20
Attack: 5
Dodge: 3 (cause he's so large)
Special: 1

Attack roll: Slashes paw at Caedwyn's face/body.
Success: Caed is knocked down / injured -1hp
Fail: Caed reacts in time to avoid.
