[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-29-2023, 11:42 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

The performance of a lifetime? Caedwyn's brow wrinkled in confusion as he looked to her. What exactly was she getting at? Her jaws snapped shut with a clack of her teeth before Caedwyn noticed the grin that had come to her face. He remained crouched, utterly confused and watched as she ambled out in front of the cave. "Oh Bearrrrr" Her sing-song voice taunted. "What are you..." he whisper-shouted at her from the bushes, though he wasn't sure she could hear him. "Come out come out and playyyy!" He watched for a moment, lifting up his head to see her more clearly. Her antics continued, as she started in talking about how smelly the bear was and putting her paw up to cover her nose. At that point, Caedwyn couldn't hardly believe what she was doing. It was absolutely fucking hilarious. He blinked a few times, wondering if he was imagining this or if it was actually happening.

A tickling laugher bubbled up from his gut, coming out as a snicker through his teeth as he tried to choke the sound back down. What a performance indeed! He coughed, cleared his throat and quickly tried to stifle the laughter back down, but Enya was determined to get the better of him. When she turned her back to the cave and a squealing fart came out, he was finished. His mouth blew out a quick, noisy laugh before he caught himself. Had she really just done that?! He supposed that was one way to get the beasts attention! He used his paw to quickly cover his own mouth, silencing himself and ducking back down in the bushes - as he'd realized his head was poking out quite far. Suddenly his heart was beating quickly.

Had the bear heard her taunts? Her fart? His laughter? His body froze as he waited, eyes focused on the cave. But the seconds started to pass one after the other and nothing seemed to be happening. The tension of the moment was too much as he waited, legs coiled beneath him, ready to pounce out and surprise the bear. But still, nothing happened. His ears flicked forward and slowly he raised his head up. "Do you see anything?" He whispered at her again, this time his voice more inquisitive and devoid of laughter. The silence made him uneasy. Was the bear not here? Taking a heavy breath of air, Caedwyn rose and cautiously approached Enya from the bushes. His nose wiggled, taking in the scent. His face twitched a bit before his nose wrinkled with an unpleasant expression. Fart. That's right. Enya had just farted, contaminating any clear scent of the bear's trail, and through his investigation (and thoughtlessness) he had just taken in a big whiff of it. He let out a pained sigh of frustration but said nothing, moving past Enya a bit closer to the cave.

On each side, large boulders leaned against the hill, and a large cedar grew just to the right, its branches shading the area. "It can't have gone far," he said, still looking into the darkness of the cave. "Finder's keepers?" He mused in a joking voice, glancing back at Enya as he shifted his weight, side-stepping a bit closer to the boulder at the entrance. His eyes remained on Enya and he gave a little shrug. If she was going to show off her performing skills, he was going to do so right along with her.

Without pausing or saying anything else, he simply lifted his leg and began to piss on the boulder. His eyes remained locked on Enya, a smug expression on his face as the wind blew up over the mountain hills and through his fur. The breeze brought the scent of the valley and the sound of rushing wind. He didn't even notice the sound of tree needles dropping. At least, he didn't for a moment until he felt something drop on his back. A small dried branch and some cedar needles. Had the wind blown some of the twigs down or? His eyes glanced upward when he felt the branch drop on him. His ears heard a cracking branch.

His eyes widened when he saw it.

