New Horizons
OOC Date: 09-29-2023, 02:05 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Brightwood  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 45"
Trade (untasked)
Health9 Dexterity
Arcana 4 Medicine
Charisma 1 Perception
Constitution 2 Stealth
Deception Strength

Lahwa? Kalathiel's pricked with interest as the other finally spoke. Her eyes continued to scan over the other wolf until at last she let out a relaxed sigh. This one seemed to be of little consequence. They didn't seem to be a threat nor did they seem to be eager to be friends. They simply were. But some wolves reacted that way, especially small ones who came face to face with a giant like Kalathiel. "Well, practice makes perfect," Kalathiel mused thoughtfully, her voice still pleasant and friendly. "It's easy to hide when you're, well you-sized. But someone like me..." she crouched down, pretending to get into a hiding position. "- well you can see how that might be difficult. " The other wolf didn't seem to be super talkative though, making Kalathiel struggle to find conversation with them . Kalathiel wasn't the most friendly of wolves either but something about this one put her at ease.

"So..." she started, her word drawing out with an inquisitive tone. "What is Lahwa doing out here?" It wasn't really any of her business but Kalathiel was curious. Maybe there were others around nearby she should be concerned about, or perhaps the red wolf was simply out exploring on their own.

