New Horizons
OOC Date: 09-29-2023, 12:22 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Brightwood  —  

Species Nonbinary Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 24"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
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Lahwa’s ear twitched nervously but considered it a good sign that the other wolf hadn’t immediately lunged upon revealing themself. They felt even bigger now that Lahwa wasn’t hiding in the bushes, watching them from the sides but rather looking straight up at them. Being out of the risk of being attacked for being suspicious, they didn’t stop the frightened whimper that slipped out this time. They allowed their eyes to scan the red ruby in the she-wolf’s ear - that had always been a bit fascinating to Lahwa. Their own parents had been rather old-fashioned - no one in her litter had worn fabrics or dressage like they’d seen on many of the creatures roaming the lands. They’d always wondered how it would feel to wear some of them, but their own nerves had left them too uncomfortable at the idea of approaching anyone.

”...I’m Lahwa,” they murmured softly, peering up. They almost added that they were from the muggy forest - that way if they were trespassing the other would know it was unintentional - but remembered at the last moment that it would be foolish for them to reveal their home. Hiding in the bushes and letting branches and leaves brush over them may have already disguised the most obvious parts of their scent, so there was no reason to offer additional information.

She tilted her head a little, slightly confused by the praise for their abilities. They weren’t expecting that - the other had sat so it seemed genuine enough. Their flattened ears slowly lifting a bit - maybe this wolf was friendly?

”...I hide a lot,” Lahwa admitted slowly, watching cautious amber eyes. 