Loose Rocks
OOC Date: 09-28-2023, 10:18 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/24/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

He lay on his stomach, long tail flowing around him. The heat from the ground soaking into his tired muscles and bones, he was actually sleeping. The warmth from the sulfur fields and geysers around it had been a great relief to him the night before, the faint sound of movement not to far from where he lay had him slowly blinking his eyes open. Yawning he lazily looked around, not even trying to lift his head. Not seeing anything he closed his eyes again, shifting from his stomach onto this side he sighed and lifted a paw to drape it across his muzzle. Flicking his tail he created a small ring of fire to surround him, hopefully that would deter anyone from bothering him while he napped. Not like the bright light of the sun didn't help at all.

The roar of a geyser snapped him fully awake, head jerking up and looking around he angrily blew smoke from his lungs. Yawning loudly he slid his paws forward in a stretch that soothingly rolled up his back, arching his back the way a cat would he sat down and began to groom himself. Shaking his head hard he felt his coat roll and ripple across his body, rising to his paws he flicked his tail. Ceasing the circle of fire that had circled him, walking away from where he had been sleeping he didn't go far before noticing that he wasn't alone in this area. The scent of another wolf filled his senses, and raising his head he inhaled deeply. Searching for the owner of the scent, it was strongest to the west of him. Twisting his body in that direction he made his way towards it, walking around a sulfur flat he than spotted the dark shape of a wolf in the distance. 

Tall audits rose to his skull, curious about the other he hoped that this wolf wasn't like the dense 'dog' he had met a few weeks ago. Gods above he actually wanted to set his coat on fire just to hear him scream, blinking away that train of thought he made his way toward the wolf. Immediately he noticed the unique wolf's tail, his eyes skimmed the body searching. Ah, a male, how interesting. Instinctively he set a small circle of fire around his paws, something he did when he was a bit unsure of what to do.
