Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-28-2023, 04:30 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

When Enya appeared at the tunnel entrance to the cavern, Caedwyn jumped to his feet. His tail wagged excitedly behind him and he trotted over to meet her, pausing only for a moment to watch with curiosity as a small lamb went scampering past him, stumbling over the rope that dangled around its neck as it went by. He hadn't thought to bring a live offering. "I approve of your choice of location, Caed." He turned his attention back to Enya, pressing into her embrace as she met him. And letting out a little chuff of joy when she slipped a little kissing tongue across his cheek like a child getting away with doing something ornery. "But first, drink!" She had plopped her bags on the ground and had already whipped out a bottle of pink liquid, pouring it into cups as Caedwyn leaned in closer to inspect. "Not the cactus juice, I hope?" he teased but looked over her with a dramatic, concerned expression before sticking his tongue out and making a disgusted noise. "You first" Even as he spoke, she was prompting him to drink. He had no reason to distrust what she had presented him with and drinking definitely sounded like a good way to start off their celebrations.

He grabbed the cup in his teeth, leaning his head back to allow the liquid to slosh back into his mouth as he chugged it quickly. It wasn't awful. But maybe not the strongest he'd ever had either. But hey, booze was booze and he wasn't going to complain. "Ahhhh" he licked his lips, letting out a sigh of enjoyment, looking to see if she also was going to partake.

"We've cracked open the booze, now what else have you got hidden in those bags?" He said curiously, his eyes moving toward her pile of things. "Or perhaps we should start with mine first..." he spoke playfully, sidestepping away until he had come to stand near his rather oversized napsack of belongings. "Hmm... what's in here..." he continued, using his paw to flip open the mouth of the bag and rummage around in it. He finally pulled out a large jar. The outside was dark and dirty, making its contents unclear. He pawed at it, pushing it out of the bag and looked up at Enya out of the corner of his eye, a little smile curling up at the corner of his mouth. Glancing back to the bag, again he used his paw to push out another item: a large flat bowl. Moving his attention back to the jar, he used his teeth to grab the cork stopper that had been placed in the top to open it, spitting the cork out forcefully into the bushes somewhere (probably never to be seen again for all the care he gave getting rid of it). He quickly turned the jar into the bowl, a thick paste-like substance pouring into the bowl. It's color shone with an iridescent silver color and seemed to glow faintly.

A paint.

He dipped his paw into the bowl, coating his paw in the paint before lifting his paw back to his face. Using his claws he carefully marked across his face with 4 claw-marks, like war-paint. It shone bright against his dark fur. "The stars can't be the only thing shining tonight, right?" he smiled, moving over closer to her. "Would the Queen like to do her own make-up or shall I?"

