[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-27-2023, 12:11 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

So, Caedwyn had caught her meaning, and seemed eager to appease their Goddess. Underneath the red and cream markings on her face, she blushed a warm color. The compliment that followed, the mention of practice before the harvest season, it had her feeling a warm tingle in her heart. Instead of responding with words, she only smiled and glanced sideways at him in return. She shrugged her shoulder and turned her head away in a playful motion that said ... maybe. It would have to be discussed once they claimed their home. Perhaps practiced, even. 

Caedwyn made a suggestion on how to combat the bear and Enya smirked, thinking for a moment. It was probably smarter to draw the bear out, and yet she wanted so badly to fight it within the confines of the cave. She was quick and agile. She could snake around the bear, use the walls to get behind it, and grab it's back, ripping into it's neck and shoulders. Such a feat would be much harder if it was out in the open. Caedwyn, however, was larger than her. She wasn't sure how agile he was in confined spaces, or really even what his fighting technique was like. Brute force, if she remembered correctly. He had used his size and weight against her when the two had fought, and even against Buck he had leapt onto his back to use his weight against her familiar. If that was the case, it would make sense to draw the bear out into the field. 

"Ok, this one is on me, then. I hope you're ready for the performance of a lifetime." she confirmed at last as her jaws clicked together, snapping with excitement and the thrill of a hunt. She then lifted her head and tail proudly over her back, a grin spread across her muzzle as she barred her teeth, and waltz out from the spot within the bushes to make her path across the entrance of the cave obvious. "Oh Bearrrrr" Enya snarled loudly, her voice singsong as she lingered on the word 'bear', "Come out come out and playyyy!" The singsong in her voice remained through her snarl, not that the bear would be able to understand what she was saying. 

Enya paused before the entrance to the cave, teal eyes peering within to try and spot movement. Her tongue flicked rapidly with excitement, click, click, click, click, and her face twisted from a grin into a look of disgust. "Ugh, you really do reek. I'm going to have to really put work in this fixer-upper once I make it mine." To add further emphasis, Enya lifted up a paw to her nose and rubbed at it, as if trying to rid the stink from her nostrils and tongue. "I suppose your pelt will need a good washing all the same, if I'm to make a rug out of it." Then, to just add insult to injury, Enya's tail lifted yet higher. Her face squinted, her breath held, and she turned her body so her ass was facing the cave. There she grunted and out came the loudest, longest, squeakiest fart she could muster. As it ended, Enya inhaled with a long, deep, exaggerated inhale to complete the show, "Ah, already making improvements." 

Enya: 8/8

Dodge: Prepares to leap out of the way in case the creature within (assumed bear) charges/attacks her
Success: She springs out of harm's way
Failure: She is susceptible to damage should the creature attack


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac