[P] Coincidence
OOC Date: 09-26-2023, 04:01 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/26/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Teen Athletic 33"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 4 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 3 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

      Malachi was on the run. He was being hunted by the massive beast that killed his father. There was one last ditch effort he could make to elude his hunter. Blood magic for teleportation. His thoughts had been on the one his father spoke of so fondly of.. to the one Lazarus demanded that he find, with his last breath- Enya Fault. He could only pray to the Goddess and hope like hell that it worked.



Malachi was weak when he arrived. Well, when he was dropped a good five feet out of the sky onto the hard ground of a crater. Blood magic was only something he had witnessed his father doing, to actually preform it was exausting! For a few minutes all he did was lay there on the rocky ground, breathing slowly. Waiting for the dizziness to subside. When it finally did he opened his eyes, it took a few moments for them to adjust to the lighting- and even longer for things to come into focus. The teen groaned with discomfort as he moved to sit up. His muscles ached in protest.

There, just feet in front of him sat a lean, red colored wolf. It was the blue scales that grabbed his attention. "Enya..Fault?" The name felt foreign on his tongue. The wolf would slide back down into a laying position, his muscles protesting, as though he had ran the entire way here. Had he not been so tired, the wolf would have been assessing his surroundings. But right now, he couldn't bring himself to do much else besides lay and wait, at the mercy of this stranger- because he was going out on a limb in assuming identity. An even bigger limb in assuming this wolf wouldn't harm him.

