Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-26-2023, 04:24 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
p. Enya
warnings - mature content

The afternoon sun burned in the sky above and Caedwyn had spent a great deal of time over the last week searching for the supplies they would need for their Harvest celebration. He had gone in search of traders and crafters to procure many of the items and finally the last thing was to find the perfect location. That had been the most challenging part. Finding items was easy enough if one searched long enough. It was all about talking to the right people and making a good trade, but finding a location was different. He had to actually travel around and go see with his own eyes. First he had gone around the mountains near their den. The hills that overlooked the valley had a good view but with so many trees and rocks, it wasn't quite right. Next he had gone down to the Silver Lake. It's clear water sparkled both in the sun and under the starlight. But again, this place wasn't right. It was too out in the open and too many creatures travelled down from the surrounding hills. He didn't want their offering spoiled by hungry beast looking for an easy meal. Still, Caedwyn kept searching. Finally going to the northwest, where the air was slightly cooler and the hills were broken by bluffs and plateaus, until he finally came to the the sinkholes.

Two days ago, he had ventured closer. His eyes met the cave opening with skepticism. A dark and dirty cave didn't seem like a worthy place to build an altar to the goddess. But something pulled him to investigate. These were no mere rocky mountain caves or tunnels. As he traversed within, the walls around him rose up toward the sky and great open caverns opened within. At the top, large rounded openings let the sky shine down from above. It was like an entire world within, with trees growing inside and high above he could see grasses and roots hanging down from the opening at the surface. He moved quietly through the foliage, coming at last to the center of the cavern. His head tilted upwards to look at the clouds and sky above. He imagined the sun slowly setting and the sky becoming dark. Eventually the stars would rise and the moon would overtake the night sky. Yes. This was the place. Here, where the sinkhole opened and the moon could shine down clearly from the sky. He looked around, making note of several large boulders and there appeared to be a circle of lush grass that had been favored by the sunlight, growing thick and soft underfoot.

Two days ago. That was when he decided that this would be the place to build their altar. He had yet to show Enya the place he had selected and hoped it would meet her approval. He had only mentioned to her to arrive here at the sinkholes on the day before the full moon, so that they could prepare. The timing had been thoughtfully selected as he'd watched the moon grow larger each day as the Harvest drew closer.

And finally tonight would be the night of their celebrations. Their night to dance beneath the light of the full moon and sing praises to their goddess. So now the day was here and Caedwyn had arrived with a sack draped heavily over his back, full of the many items he had gathered. With a thud, he tossed the sack down near where they would build the altar and his rump lowered to the ground in a relaxed sit. He wondered if Enya had somehow arrived before him or perhaps she had gone down the wrong tunnel and was exploring somewhere else. Or maybe she wasn't here yet. He moved his foot around impatiently in the dirt as he waited, his thoughts making him anxious. Maybe he should have given her better directions or escorted her her directly?

He threw his head back, his jaws parting toward the sky and his voice cried out. A howl echoed around the chamber, reverberating across the stones as his voice announced his location, hopefully summoning Enya too him if she was near.

