[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-26-2023, 03:44 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

They traversed along the path as they searched for a place to make their own. The ground here had been worn down by the passing of animals and it made the travel easy. No sharp stones or thorny branches. Caedwyn had been so used to hiding his den away from others in secret that this location seemed so very different to him. That was if he had a den at all. Travelling around on his own before, he'd often made his home in small abandoned burrows or nestled between the roots of large trees. One time he had even found a place under a bush to sleep for a few nights. But now he wasn't alone. He didn't have to hide his hoard away from prying eyes and having a place a bit more travelled could be a good thing, he decided. It meant that many animals were near that they could hunt. And the view was rather nice, he admitted. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the lake in the distance below them and the green branches of trees that reached upwards toward the sky. The location was right, but now they had to actually find somewhere for their den. He wondered if they would dig something out of the earth. The ground here was somewhat rocky for that. Or perhaps a small crevasse between the rocks of the mountainside?

As he thought of these things, he could see Enya sniffing around and he smiled at her response regarding the cactus-juice. Part of him wondered curiously what it would taste like but he wasn't sure he was brave enough to consume that concoction. He lifted his nose to the air, taking in a quick scent. He was right about his earlier observation: many animals had been here. Some new scents. Some old. The scents melted together, making it unclear what had been here and when. But nothing seemed too striking to concern him and he quickly picked up his pace to follow Enya. She seemed to be in agreement with his suggestion of offerings. He listened while she told him of how those of her past had honored their gods: candles, and altars, and painted stones. It all sounded so very formal and Caedwyn was excited at the idea of making a grand sacrifice to their goddess. He almost missed when Enya mentioned another offering they could give the goddess. His eyes darted over to her as a devlish grin crept to his face. "Underneath the stars and underneath Her gaze. It's said to bring good luck and fortune." She was looking ahead and Caedwyn wasn't sure if she had seen the excited look on his face. "Those are just some ideas, anyways. We have time, we could make it something worth her attention I think."

His tail wagged a bit behind him thinking about it. He hadn't really realized it, but part of him had wondered if she'd want to partake in his companionship any time soon, especially after what had happened before. He only hoped this time he wouldn't embarrass himself again. No. He knew he wouldn't. He had already come-to-terms with the memories that had surprised him before, and they'd bared their hearts to each other. It only seemed natural that giving their bodies would follow. It would be a special offering indeed, he decided. His pace quickened and he moved closer to her, matching his speed with hers as they moved. His mouth turned slightly toward her as he spoke confidently in a low tone. "I should like to see that offering as well. We shall put all other offerings to shame... under the moonlight, where your scales can shine like gems beneath her eyes." He made no attempt to hide his meaning. His lips curling up into a pleased smile. "The festival is not for many weeks," he added. "Perhaps... we should practice in the meantime? Unless -" His voice cut off as a scent caught his attention.

"Bear, I think." Enya's voice whispered and his attention moved up ahead. The thoughts that had pervaded his mind were pushed aside by the urgency of the situation, his smile dropping. But Enya's voice didn't seem fearful. In fact, from his perspective she seemed rather pleased. His eyes moved from her, to the path in front of them. A cave opening waited ahead. The entrance was not small to make it difficult to get inside and yet not too large as to allow too much rain or cold air within. Yes. This looked like a good choice. The only problem was that it appeared to be inhabited already. "You game?"

He smirked and let out a little huff of amusement. "I thought you'd never ask," he teased, his lowering to match her whisper. "We'll need a nice rug for the floor." His eyes darted from the cave to her, giving a little wink to her (thought he wasn't sure if she would see it or if her attention was still on the cave). "Perhaps one of us should lure it out and the other can surprise it when it comes out? We should get it out here in the open though, where it's easier to maneuver." The bear had yet to emerge and Caedwyn definitely wanted to get a plan down before they just went blindly into the cave.

