[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 09-24-2023, 11:10 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

Her tawny legs slid to a stop as she watched her dagger fly, her emerald eyes dying to see whether or not her attempt at magic would hit her mark. The metal on the dagger glinted as it caught the sun's glare, then with a schwank the dagger sliced clean through, landing with a plink dagger-down in the sands while the two pieces of fruit fell off to the sides and rolled. "Yes!" Reed squealed eagerly as she spun around in a circle once, twice, three times with excitement. If only someone could have seen! If only... 

A voice suddenly came and Reed's spinning in circles - chasing the jewels that dangled from her short-nubbed tail - came to a sudden halt, her paws splayed outwards in all four directions to catch herself. As her momentum shifted to a halt, her long dreads flowed around her head, laying first outwards to her side before falling in a pretty fashion about her face. A quick toss of her head readjusted the few that dangled in front of her eyes, and a paw came up to shove a stubborn one back over her ear. "Oh I uh..." she started, smiling at the small fox-like canid. He was quite a bit smaller than she was, but his wings seemed to more than make up for it. Then there were his tails that flowed - not one but multiples of each. She took in the galaxy-like appearance of the canid before she found his gaze, her own lingering. His eyes seemed to glow and swirl, and she found herself wondering just what that same gaze might look like in the dusk of sunset, or under the glow of stars at night. 

"Thanks" she said suddenly realizing that she had been staring at him instead of answering his question. "I uh... I'm not sure where I learned it from." Her chest heaved still from the dancing and the spinning, and though she smiled, it had faded some when the stranger had asked her such a question. "I don't really remember much of my history at all" Her head tilted slightly as she continued to smile, though there was a hint of sadness as she spoke the words out loud. A moment came and went, and then the sadness was gone and the warm eager smile returned to her muzzle. 'Thank ye for the compliment though! I don't think I've seen ya before. Where ya from stranger?"