The Dark Prince
OOC Date: 09-23-2023, 02:42 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3
No worries. I'm still getting to know Huck's character too so mine are probably all over the place.

As he drew closer, now Huckleberry could see the little wisps of flame coming from around the other creature's eyes and puffs of smoke came from his nostrils. The beast was truly gigantic in comparison to Huck's own diminutive stature. When the beast spoke, little clouds of ash and smoke came up when he moved. A wolf? "Ha!" Huck gave a hearty laugh, his lips pressing together to let out raspberry-noise as he huffed in pure amusement. "I'm no wolf, mister. I'm a dog..." He said it matter-of-factly, but not in a condescending way. It was more-so that like he was opening an encyclopedia and reading the information within. He stood up a little straighter and wiggled his head back and forth with a proud stance. "The best darned adventuring dog in these parts, if I do say so myself. Did you see how fast I go up these hills? It was like zoom and then I was up here." His tail wagged happily and he jumped around a bit, demonstrating how he had gone from 'there' to 'here' as he spoke. "But I guess someone with big ole legs like yourself has no problem getting around here." He commented, moving in a bit closer to look at the other wolf's stature once more.

He simply had no sense of danger and more importantly - no sense of personal space. He was very, very close to the male now. His nose wiggled, taking in the ashy scent of the volcano as he scanned the male up and down. "I'm Huckleberry, but you can just call me Huck. It's shorter and most find that easier to say. Like 'Huck lets go play in the river' or 'Huck stop chasing the chickens.' ..." He rattled on quickly, hardly giving a breath between words or a pause for interjection. Still, his tail wagged, sending little bits of ashy debris flying out behind him.

"So, what's your name? Do you live here or just exploring like me?" His eyes moved back up to the face of the wolf, his mouth curved upward in a patient smile while he waited for an answer.