[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-15-2023, 07:03 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

"If you thought the Athadians made good booze, you should have tried the spiced rum of the Casfurans." Oh somehow he had completely forgotten about he Casfuran parties. He had been to Casfura a few times. Once or twice while he was living as a spy in Athadia, which each time seemed to have turned out eventful. In fact, him going to Casfura had led him to murdering one of the Athadians after they discovered his subterfuge. He wondered now if that had been the true turning point for all the events that had followed. If he hadn't gone to Casfura for their festival, he wouldn't have met with Ixora; and not meeting with Ixora would have meant he wasn't discovered; no discover, no murder... Or course, it was hard to determine at this point. He wondered if he still would have been tempted to kidnap that pup if he'd found her again out in the snow. Hell, after all this time he hadn't really thought about that pup. He couldn't really even recall her name at this point - only that she'd been one of Wisteria's children. But the parties. The Casfurans sure did know how to throw a raging party. He'd even fought in some of their duels and spent some drunken nights on the beach.

Listening to Enya talk so adoringly about their parties brought some of it back. Yes, he'd been to Casfura. That was also where he'd escorted Rosita. And now after these years his memory had recalled some of the details of that night. He wondered quietly if he should disclose that information to Enya. It seemed weird to just blurt out and start talking about someone you'd slept with, but he also felt like not saying anything was somehow hiding it from her. It wasn't like Enya was over here detailing all her past lovers to him though.

"Spiced rum," he sighed, nodding approvingly. "I take back what I said about the Athadian mead... I can't believe I forgot about the Casfurans!" He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief at himself. "You're not the only one who's been to Casfura. I've partaken in a few of their parties. The sea-dogs certainly know how to brew a good ale... and how to drink. I'm not sure who got drunker: me or them." He grinned, thinking about the wild dancing and debauchery they'd had on the beach. "I think most of the night was forgotten after how drunk I got." Well that was the truth. Fuck all, he didn't even remember sleeping with Rosita that night until years later. He cleared his throat, and took a few quick steps, hoping Enya wouldn't ask too many questions and turned to make a few curious faces as she was telling him about her cactus-brewing adventures.

And Enya had started speaking of a different topic thankfully. A Harvest festival would be upon them in the coming months. "What did you have in mind? Hopefully not celebrating with cactus-juice," he teased, giving her a little wink before pausing his walk to converse with her. From where he stood, they weren't too high in the mountains and to his left was a large bluff that overlooked the valley below. He could see the lake shining in the sun and flocks of water-fowl were swimming on the surface. It was a good view, he admitted. Hopefully they would find a location near here for their den. "I have not properly honored Tsillah in awhile," he said with a more serious tone as he continued to look over the valley. "We should definitely make an offering to her. Perhaps a fresh kill and some bones? But what else should we do?" He wasn't sure what sort of offering would be worthy of thanking a goddess for all she had provided. Tsillah had brought their paths together again. Without her, he wouldn't be looking forward to a future with Enya.

