[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-14-2023, 01:02 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Just as Enya shared her past with Caedwyn, he equally returned the favor, telling her all about his siblings who had wandered off, about his family, about his parents passing when he was a youth. It saddened her to hear how he had lost most of his family in one way or another. It made her curious to know if she had ever encountered one of his siblings unknowingly. Gods, she hoped she hadn't slept with any of them - which seemed like a likely possibility knowing her own history in such a department. Wouldn't that be awkward. 

She asked him generally speaking what they looked like, their names, and if he missed them at all. Tsillah knew she missed her own brother like mad. She didn't even know if he was alive, and she didn't dare try to scry him, afraid to learn the truth. Emotionally she was a fragile creature at this point in her life, so she guarded herself where she could. It was what had kept her from pressing things further with Caedwyn earlier on. That and a foggy mind gracefully cleared by Tsillah herself, enabling her to see the right path to follow, enabling her to see and understand Tsillah's true desires for her. 

She would have to remember to do a ritual for Tsillah here soon. She could incorporate some of the techniques she learned from the days in her Kingdom to the ritual. Perhaps Caedwyn would want to assist her? She would have to remember to ask him. 

"Oh, I uh... hadn't thought too much about it." he answered, bringing her mind back to the topic at paw. Enya threw back her head with a gasp, then bubbled up into happy laughter at such a bold statement. She laughed along with him, but quickly silenced and recomposed herself with a smile as he continued on, speaking of some mead that the Athadians had given to him. "If you thought the Athadians made good booze, you should have tried the spiced rum of the Casfurans. Between that and their tequilas, my god. I wonder how long I was blacked out for during my discovery of tequila. I recall someone saying eight days..." It had been a long time, having won a fighting tournament in their open fighting pits against an opponent she really shouldn't have been able to beat. It was a good thing that she had thought to pay a strange wolf the day before to conveniently drop a sharp shell beneath his paws, slicing one wide open. It had forced him to fight one side and gave her an advantage she used to win and thus, opened tabs at the bars and paid for her stay in one of the local's residences to be left undisturbed. "Casfura always was a non-stop party." she reminisced, and thought out loud, "We should have something just as distasteful here. A place to run off to. A place with fight pits, and of course if we can manage it, a place with lots of booze - for bargain of course!"

When he turned the topic towards whether or not she knew how to make booze, Enya smiled and rolled her eyes. Hadn't he been listening to her? "I just said that I never had the mind for it." She reached forwards towards him with her muzzle and bumped him on the shoulder playfully. "I did try once to make something. I used cactus fruit to make... I guess you could call it wine? Not a lot of options out in the desert unfortunately. Maybe I could try it again. Any suggestions on what I should try using?" She truly was a complete novice. Her first attempt had tasted horrible, almost enough to make one vomit, and though it had managed to get her drunk, she had spent the second half of the day wrenching her stomach of it's contents. She did not wanna make that same mistake again. 

He then boldly declared that if Enya wanted a drink, it would happen, and she laughed softly not at him, but with him at such a proposition. "Speaking of Tsillah, I believe the harvest moon will be arriving within the next few cycles. I've been thinking that perhaps..." Her confident tone abruptly drifted off as the idea that this could very well be taken as her asking him out on a date struck her. She suddenly felt silly. Here she was turning bashful after her and Caedwyn had spent several days together. Perhaps because it was something she wanted to do in the future with him. It was openly declaring that she expected their relationship to last that long. 

Enya cleared her throat and continued on, trying to push the sudden bashful feeling away. "I was thinking that I'd like to do something for Tsillah, hold a proper ritual for her. I have a lot to thank her for and it's been far too long since I've properly honored her. The gods of the Kingdom were many and celebrated in several different ways. It was hard keeping track with who ruled this and that and how each should be honored, but a few of them stuck. I think they stuck because they were descendants of our great Goddess" Her teal eyes flicked from Caedwyn, whom she had turned to look towards when she had started speaking to him, to the sky that was blocked largely by the mountain that towered up above them. "I think Tsillah would appreciate the additions of her children into Her ritual. What do you think?" Her eyes shifted back towards Caedwyn, "Perhaps you would like to help me with it? I'm sure Tsillah would feel honored to see you at such an event." There, she had done it. She had casually asked him out for a date that was further in the future than she dared hope to achieve.  


text. "speech."

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