[AW] Harvest Moon
OOC Date: 09-13-2023, 07:24 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/19/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 40"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

Sage's wings had carried her long and far across these new lands she hesitantly called her home. It was a hard pill to swallow admitting that this new place might truly be her new home, but she swallowed it regardless and intended to make the most out of the situation. At least she wasn't alone. She had been able to find her long-lost brother and with him, had found some comfort, solace, and positivity in the situation. After scoping out a temporary residence up in the mountains in a cave that reminded her of home, she'd taken wing to fly and explore the rest of the Realm. She saw all sorts of biomes out on her adventures: a large swamp, jungle, a volcano, distant desert lands (which she happily avoided), several mountain ranges, and even went far enough north to feel the nip of frost eating through her skin. While flying, one thing came to her attention that made her heart swell with joy. The stars, the seasons, while they were not the same as her old world, they were similar enough that she could tell the harvest moon was coming soon. 

Quick as her wings would carry her, Sage b-lined it back to her brother to share her discovery. From there, she shared her wants and desires: she wanted to hold a harvest festival that their parents and pack would be proud of for the creatures of The Realm. When he had agreed, she'd dove furiously into her work with eager excitement. It wouldn't be nearly as large or spectacular as that of their old world, but she would absolutely do her best to try and make it so. So, through the nights and days, Sage's paws went to work. During the daylight hours, she would scope the territories and fields to find various vines, flowers, twigs and the likes to create various foliage pieces she planned to hang around the area. During the night when she was confined to the cave, she would work tirelessly on trinkets and jewelry using and shaping the gems and metals she found near the cave to create rings, broaches, necklaces, bracelets, and all sorts of other bits and bobbles she felt inspired to make. When he offered, Sage gladly accepted Wroth's assistance with her endeavors, and in return assisted him with any of his own creations. When given the chance, she went out with Wroth to explore, both enjoying the sibling time together and feeling safer with her brother beside her. 

One of the last tasks Sage had to accomplish was sending out birds, which was harder than she had expected it to be. Her prior pack had ravens trained and ready to fly with messages. Out here, she was not so lucky. It took some trading with bits of shiny objects and food for them to understand that she was a friend, and it took yet longer for them to trust her well enough to let her tie a small piece of paper-like material to their leg. Thank the stars that she had paid so much attention to the crafters of her pack. It had already proven far more valuable than any items she'd ever used. Items could be rebuilt if lost or broken, as long as she had the knowledge to do so. She was lucky enough to send out a good dozen or so messages across the Realm over the time period, hoping that at least some of the messages reached some of the wolves across 

At last, the day had come. The sun had yet to rise, and Sage was digging through the stash of goods, wood scraps and planks, thatch-woven sheets, woven baskets, rugs, and the few cured pelts and parts they could gather in such short time. "Here Wroth, help me pitch this hut, would you? We've got three more to pitch in case one of the ravens we sent out returns with a merchant in tow." Sage was exhausted from the weeks of tireless work, but it was hardly evident with how much joy and pleasure she radiated. 

This is an AW thread! The Valor family is essentially setting up a small trade-booth area for people to gather at and celebrate the harvest moon with opportunities for barganing, chit-chat, trading, and the likes! Feel free to have characters join to set up their own 'booths' or come by to browse the wears and spark up some conversation! Rounds are loose, so feel free to reply as little or as much as you like!