[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-13-2023, 01:21 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

In the days following their newfound relationship, Caedwyn had made a careful effort to stay near Enya's side. His exploration of the continent could wait until later. For now he wanted nothing more than to remain in Enya's company. And company she provided - with her conversation. He couldn't remember Enya ever talking so much. The stories came freely from her and he tried his best to soak them in. He wanted to know more about her past and to actually know her. Of course, Caedwyn sometimes got lost in the multitude of tales she began sharing. Hopefully he wouldn't get the details mixed up later on! He was intrigued of her stories of the 'Kingdom' she'd been in before. It seemed quite large and she spoke of large stone structures full of servants, and he tried his best to imagine such things. He remembered when Vrolga had put up a wall while he was away in Athadia, and Athadia in turn had built their own wall. It was rather amusing how one thing led to the next and he wondered what sort of history might have led to the building of a structure as large as Enya described.

She told him of her past and how she had ended up finding him and eventually going to Vrolga. On the other paw, Caedwyn didn't really have such exciting tales of his childhood nor such extreme heartache as it seemed she had suffered. His own parents had largely ignored him for most of his childhood and by the time he was a teen they had passed away from a sleeping sickness. He shared small details with Enya of his upbringing, telling her of his siblings who had either ventured away from the pack or passed away. He'd never been too close with any of them so it hadn't been too dreadful when they vanished from his life entirely. Of course he had a few rivals, including Andromache - but he keenly chose not to bring that up to Enya now.

When Enya began to discuss alcohol, Caedwyn's ears pricked with interest. She fancied herself a brewer then? He wondered and a little chuckle came out as he listened. He of course knew nothing about brewing and was at the mercy of finding alcohol. It was rather strange that he hadn't found anything yet, now that he though of it. Where would be the best place to find a brewery? A winery? Something? He was almost lost in thought when she asked what his favorite drink was. "Oh, I uh... hadn't thought too much about it." He laughed a little guiltily. "Hmmm. There was this one drink... a mead of some sort. I had it at a party back in Athadia. Hell, I don't think I remember half the night but it sure was good." He tried to think over what happened that night. It was probably a blessing that he couldn't remember, given that night had involved getting into shenanigans with Rin and some questionable conversation about poop.

"What do you know about making alcohol? I'll admit I don't know a damned thing about how the stuff is made," he inquired, trotting along the rocky trail through the trees as they traversed their way up the mountains. "Have you made it before? I mean, if you know how... surely we could find the ingredients so you could have some. " He turned to her, slowing his pace. "If the Queen wants a drink, by Tsillah she should have one."

