[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 09-11-2023, 01:31 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

How long? How long had it been since she'd lost her memories? Through conversation with others and her own attempts at trying to remember things, it was the only logical conclusion she could come up with. What else would explain it? Only thoughts that were far more scary than randomly losing her memories. Like... what if someone used magic on her brain to suck her memories away? What if her memories were so bad, so sad and traumatizing that her brain had blocked them for her own health and safety? Somehow, the more simple answer of they just vanished brought her more peace than any of the others she thought up while she wallowed in her misery. 

She had left the shores of the sunken ship she'd risen from after spending a short amount of time there, enough to find that it was not plenty enough in food nor water for proper survival. She had traveled south to find rocks breaking apart the landscape instead of soft sandy beaches. These hunting grounds proved far more plentiful than the previous, and she spent her days patrolling the tide pools and snapping up any crustaceans or snails she stumbled across. 

When other canids wandered her way, Reed was careful of them. She tried to stay to the shadows best she could, considering the sorts of foliage that decorated the rocky shores - or lack there of. Most of them treated her with little regard - passing by with but a glance or taking a simple interest in learning her name, asking about the swords, then moving along. She spent days and nights trying to figure out what it was she couldn't remember. She made zero headway with her attempts. When she got frustrated or tired of her failures, she took up swinging her cutlass around. She must of been some sort of fighter in her history, for the movements with her cutlass came naturally and without conscious effort. Instinctually, her legs spread wider to accommodate her shifted weight. When she swung, her legs, neck, and head all swung around with her, displaying elegance with a practiced step. While not holding her cutlass or dagger in her muzzle, Reed hardly had any grace in her steps, but while holding them, suddenly it all came together. 

After her morning walk down the tidepools to fill her belly, she took up a stance atop a rock shoal with a background behind her of waves crashing against the rocky scape. There she swung herself around, her cutlass grasped firmly between her jaws. A paw flicked outwards to kick up a small immature coconut that had fallen early from the trees. Into the air the young fruit flew, and with a swirl, Reed's cutlass sliced the fruit clean in half. She planted her paws onto the rocky sand-covered surface again, then flicked a hind paw back to kick at a second fruit, sending it flying outwards away from. She spun and darted forward, diving after the fruit with her cutlass. Her blade was sheathed with a quick fluid movement, then her smaller dagger was pulled. A yank sent the dagger through the air after the fruit and a gust of wind stirred behind it, sending the cutlass in an arc to slice through the fruit like the first had been. 

Attack: Trying to slice an immature coconut in half
Success: Her dagger is sent through the air with her air magic and successfully slices the fruit
Failure: Her dagger is sent through the air with her air magic and flies to sink its self into the rock surface nearby.