[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 09-10-2023, 07:18 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

If there was anything that Enya was good at, it was talking about herself, which she did both profusely and thoroughly over the days she spent alongside Caedwyn. She told him of the wolves of the Kingdom before: her servants, her slaves, the clerics and the cooks and the court and the commoners. She shared with him how her Kingdom had been organized, how information was shared, how they used birds to send messages and how they utilized horses and what she began to understand and know of livestock. She yammered on to him about how it was peculiar, speaking to animals that knew they were meant for slaughter. You had the occasional creature who abstained from the general doings of society, but most were proud to serve the Kingdom how they could - be it with performing jobs or providing food for others. It wasn't like the animals were abused or neglected during their raising. They knew a life of luxury and peace in the Kingdom, something they often did not receive out in the wilds. She explained and tried to emphasize the size of the farm fields, and the castle its self made up of it's tall and old stacked bricks. How the castle was impossibly big, and somehow kept meticulously clean by the servants and slaves. She had been told that it had been thousands of years old, which she believed. It had taken Vrolga months to raise a simple wooden-spiked wall around their territory. To raise a castle and walls of stone - even with elemental wielders - seemed impossible. And yet, she had stood inside one, and knew deep down that Caedwyn would never truly be able to understand what doing so felt like as much as he might try. 

When she wasn't going on and on about the Kingdom (and it should be noted that she made effort to avoid discussing the King who had ruled it), she spoke about her time in Vrolga and her time in the new world that had formed after the Akrasia had happened. She told Caedwyn of her brother, of how her mother had died due to her birth, and of how her father had gone mad with grief afterwards, nearly killing the three of them and successfully killing her own Aunt with his grief. She tied the strings together for Caedwyn, pointing out that when she had left her father was just before she had first encountered him. She filled him in on her life and her experiences because she wanted him to know her as more than Enya - leader of Vrolga who had almost sentenced him to his death. She wanted him to understand that she was just a wolf, a small creature existing in this world that they both found their selves in. She was nothing special (though she might act like she believes otherwise), and in the grand scheme of things, they were but blips on the radars. 

"I've never truly overcome my desire for alcohol." she said thoughtfully to Caedwyn as they walked together, scouting out a place in the north to mark as a home. It had been her request, and he had kindly obliged. She used to hate the cold, used to curse it with her entire might. Now, however, after speaking with her mother's spirit, Enya craved it. "Every day, no, every few hours I ponder how I might make my own alcohol out here in this new world. Unfortunately, I never had the mind to learn how to do such a thing. I didn't expect to be whisked away to a different world where alcohol just... didn't exist" She put emphasis on the words with a curled lip, clearly upset that it was a true statement. "Maybe it's a good thing. I can't over indulge myself if I can't find any drink to begin with. Oh, but Caed, I do miss it so." The words were said with longing as she lifted her muzzle to look up, dreaming of the sweet flavors, of the bitter hot spice as it burned down her throat, of the way it made her head swim and of the way that it made her pains go away. "What's your favorite flavor of poison?" The idle chatter was carried on with Caedwyn as they walked together, putting distance between their selves and the lake and headed up through the tree line and towards the mountains. 


Table code by Zodiac