New Horizons
OOC Date: 09-09-2023, 01:23 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Brightwood  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 45"
Trade (untasked)
Health9 Dexterity
Arcana 4 Medicine
Charisma 1 Perception
Constitution 2 Stealth
Deception Strength

Kalathiel had made her away around most of the lands that she could find in the last year; yet somehow she hadn't found a way off the continent (not that she'd made much of an effort). From her memories of her youth, Kalathiel had spent much of her life on an island continent thinking it was the only place that existed in the world. Then one fateful day, the truth had been revealed to their pack. Seers had been given visions of a mainland beyond the mist that covered the sea surrounding their isle. Thinking back to those events, Kalathiel felt right at home in the Realm. It didn't much matter to her that she couldn't 'escape', since she'd spent her whole previous life 'trapped' on that misty isle. It hadn't felt like a prison then and so this now didn't feel like one either. But Kalathiel hadn't quite figured out what to do with her time here yet. She had yet to see any familiar old faces here. Not that she could remember many of them. Whenever she tried to concentrate on the names and faces of her past, so many of them became a blur like a ripple on a pond, while others remained clear.

So for now she took each day as it was. And today was no different. She had found herself in the Brightwood- an interesting place to say the least. Despite it being summer, the trees here had turned such brilliant shades of gold, orange, and red. Like beautiful flames, the canopy of leaves reached into the sky above the tree trunks. And below, Kalathiel wandered at a casual pace. Her head was lifted, eyes directed upward toward the leaves. She was taking in the sparkling sun rays through the branches and enjoying the dapple of sunlight and warmth on her back as she walked.

She hadn't even noticed that there might be another nearby. Her paw stepped on a branch, giving a loud "crack" as it broke beneath her weight. She paused looking downward to the branch. She'd been so wrapped up in looking at the leaves that the sound had startled her. Her heart had quickened and nostrils instinctively flared to scent the air, ears listening to her surroundings. Just a branch. Her mind reassured her as she let out a loud sigh. She was ready to go back on her way with little thought, and yet something had caught her attention.

There on the air, a scent. Faint. But she was sure she had detected something. Her hackles rose and her ears flicked around, straining to listen. Had she just imagined it? Was she being paranoid? The female didn't fear much but she wasn't going to let her guard down that easy. "Come out. I know you're there." She said it with such confidence that hopefully if anyone was there, they'd be fully convinced. She did in fact not know if something was there... or where. But her tone held a threatening rumble, almost like a growl. A good bluff was the best defense, she figured.