Prove Yourself [AW Meeting]
OOC Date: 09-01-2023, 04:57 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/28/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya had decided to linger in the background of the meeting, playing the role not of alpha, but of the commoners to listen and observe. Sure, there would be wolves who knew her name, and some who knew her appearance, but there were many more who had no idea what she looked like and she would use this to her advantage as she slinked along the backline, weaving between wolves and listening to their whispers. Most whispers, she picked up, were full of confusion. Why? was a common question that went through the gathering. There were feelings of resentment amongst some, and Enya took note of them as slyly as possible, while simultaneously taking note of those who were eagerly nodding in agreement. 

When some spoke up, speaking out to Caedwyn, Enya did her best to study who they were through the gathering as she continued to linger at the back. Most who spoke she did not recognize. However, there was one whom she did, and she smiled and nodded her head with approval as Eon stepped forward. She was not surprised that he offered himself up for a leader position within the ranks. He had done the same before, and knowing that he was looking to find a place to call home, the same thing that she was looking for, she nodded her head with a bit more firm of a motion. She intended to support him through any means she could - as long as his desires aligned with her's and Caedwyn's of course. 

Caedwyn elegantly responded to each of those who had offered their services and declared their intention. She stared up at him, now nodding her head at him with approval, and found herself wondering what Vrolga would have looked like had he been the one to take charge of it instead of her. It was a shame he had been stuck in Athadia. Perhaps things might have turned out very differently. 

As Caedwyn took his leave from the gathering, lingering long enough to give any others the chance to speak up, Enya fell back into the shadows, blending into the crowd as the gathering dispersed. She approached Caedwyn after a time and joined him at his side, waiting patiently for him to answer others and give them his audience first. When they had all departed, she nudged him gently with her muzzle in his shoulder, a touch of reassurance. "You make a fine King." She then struck him up with conversation of what she had heard and seen from her vantage point, and alongside him, she gave her company to him until he dismissed her. 

Entrance/Exit all at once for Enya
