Hiding Out
OOC Date: 08-31-2023, 09:57 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/13/2023  in  Rocky Canyon  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 45"
Trade (untasked)
Health9 Dexterity
Arcana 4 Medicine
Charisma 1 Perception
Constitution 2 Stealth
Deception Strength

How long had it been since she'd visited the desert last? Kalathiel wandered rather aimlessly through the scarce shrubs and dry branches that grew out of the cracked, dry earth. Her paws pressed against the hard ground leaving only shallow footprints in the dust behind her. It had been nearly a year now since she could recall arriving in the Realm and though she had travelled many of the territories, it had been some time since her path had brought her through the desert. She hadn't set out with any destination in mind. In fact, she'd spent the last few days in the area and each morning she simply awoke and travelled as she pleased. So today was no different. She padded along, her head and tail low in a relaxed posture as long, lean legs glided over the terrain in a smooth gait. It wasn't until the sound of rumbling and clacking rocks met her ears that her pace slowed to a stop and her head lifted. Large ears flicked forward toward the source of the noise. A rockslide? As the sounds subsided, the air grew quiet once more - aside from the faint sounds of insects and birds in the distance, and perhaps even the brush of the breeze through dry grass. But her curiosity pulled her forward and her paws followed, moving her toward where the noise had come from.

She came sauntering into the ravine, where tall cliffs rose on either side and her eyes were drawn upwards looking for any sign of rocks that may still be falling. Her footsteps grew slow as she meandered, until she saw a trail of loose rubble scattered down one side of the hills. That must've been what she heard. There didn't appear to be any obvious cause, though she figured these things occurred naturally in such rocky terrain. At least no one had been injured.

Though, a trapped rabbit might have made a good snack. Thinking about it, her stomach growled eagerly. All the commotion had probably scared away any prey. She let out a disappointed huff and rolled her eyes in frustration. Now she'd have to go find something to eat. She turned, moving along through the ravine and cutting off from the obvious path to move through the shrubs and bushes.

She hadn't seen the other wolf who was hiding directly in her path. As chance would have it, Kalathiel was headed right for her.