Among the Rocks
OOC Date: 08-18-2023, 04:03 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/17/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 24"
Health4 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 5 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

The fact that he didn’t move as she approached was a good sign. While she didn’t trust easily, it was at least a clear message that he wouldn’t pose a threat to her if she wasn’t one to him. It wasn’t like she would be a huge threat to someone almost twice her size anyway, but she knew her magic was still strong in this land, if only a bit more unstable than usual. What she lacked in size and strength, she was confident in her speed and evading skills. After having been traveling through the sea for so long, however, she wasn’t sure how fast she would be on land anymore.

His response to her map caused her to nod in an attempt to hide the slight upturn of her lips in pride of her work. He pointed towards a constellation that seemed familiar, yet slightly different from what she had known. "The stars are different here compared to where I’m from. I use them as a guide, so I need to learn what’s the same and what’s different before I stray too far from where I arrived to shore."

Fenella looked back up at the stars, more focused this time, clearly looking for a specific constellation. In a short amount of time, she found what she was looking for. Orion, what one of her brothers was named after. She gestured to it silently, feeling a sense of comfort at the familiarity. "That one is the same as my homeland, but the stars around it are just slightly different." 

She looked back at the larger stranger again. His eyes glowed in a similar way that her pelt did and there was something peculiar about his markings that made her just a bit curious, but not enough to ask. "Are you from this land? Or did you arrive here in some way?" Fenella tilted her head slightly after her question. It was interesting how the stars had shifted in her travels, how this land was so foreign yet still had familiar plants and life. If there were others like her that had experienced a similar situation, it would be good to learn as much as she could if she wanted to find her father’s home isle and return to her own home.

Walk  "Speak"  Magic
image by ookamina on dA