Same Damn Life
OOC Date: 08-17-2023, 01:43 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Whitewater  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 36"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

At last, there was an answer to his question and he felt a bit of his curiosity relax as part of it was sated. But, as answers tended to do, it caused more questions to arise. What was it watching for? What was it waiting for? What did it mean by becoming something new? It boldly spoke into his mind once more, claiming that he was calculable. Perhaps. Perhaps not, he mused within himself. Ridley did not do things carefully. He was rash, and lived to please no one but himself. Ah, the fine genes of his mother coursing through his veins, may she one day soon die and rot, only so he could torment her soul, never let it rest in peace. Ridley continued to listen as the being proclaimed that he was neither born nor created. Was, perhaps, he an experiment then? No, experiments were created being. He was something other worldy. He was something he wished he could pin down and pull samples from in his laboratory. 

"No, I am not the same. I am a wolf, plain and simple. Born on a world far from here, transported to another, then ended up here." His whole life's story summed up all short and sweet, including a little bow on top, even. As he answered, Ridley ceased his pacing and relaxed himself down into a sit. He stared the creature over for the umpteenth time, then decided, fuck it, why not speak his mind? "You look awful." he started, eyeing the empty eye sockets and black drippy gook that was the creature's tail. "Is that why you dress yourself up with stone? Or is the stone part of you? Are your extra limbs useful, or are they just part of your fragments, put on all wrong and what not?" His reptilian tail curled around his body and rested loosely out beside him. "Where are you from? Is it common to be fragments there?"