Among the Rocks
OOC Date: 08-15-2023, 04:51 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/17/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 40"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health5 Dexterity1
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 2 Perception 1
Constitution 5 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3
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It had become more of a habit than anything else. Hop up onto land for a bit, wander around and see what there was to see before dipping back  waves to travel to the next spot. Bermuda rarely found himself straying too far from the coast. There was no need to, not since his one land dweller he had called a friend had disappeared however many months ago. Sometimes he would think that they would show up at random, and surprise him with some wild adventure that they had been on.

It wasn't something that he like to linger on. The ocean depths were cruel and if they had taught him one thing it was that no one was ever going to stay forever.

Walking along the beach, his scarf wrapped around his front leg Bermuda glanced to the stars that had started to show themselves as the sun went down. It was almost like he was back in the depths and staring at the fish that glowed there. Yet as he walked he noticed that the most noticeable glow wasn't one that was in the sky, it was on the ground.

Bermuda slow drew near the glowing wolfess like a fish drawn to the light. It seemed like she was studying the stars intently and he circled her quietly. Studying her like she was studying the sky. Her pelt wasn't glowing from just spots like his could if he wished it. No, her pelt seemed to glow with a shimmering mixture that flowed from her face down to the tip of her tail.

Then she looked down and Bermuda realized that he had been watching her too intently as she had been drawing in the sand and that the sound that he had just heard had been from him. Rolling his eyes at his own blunder he padded out from under the trees that he had ended up under.

"Beautiful night." He murmured in greeting as he moved closer careful not to step on her markings though he did take a second to pause in watching her to look at them curiously. "Seems your not just enjoying the sky though." It was a statement but when he looked back to her he tipped his head in a silent question, just as curious to see if she would even explain what she was doing to him as he was to the actual answer.