Take your medicine! - P
OOC Date: 08-13-2023, 03:19 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/20/2023  in  Brightwood  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health6 Dexterity1
Arcana 4 Medicine 4
Charisma 2 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 2
linked accounts

Zane didn't even bother to hide the soft slump in his form as he heard the exaggerated gulp. She was fine, she was gonna be fine. Elcid had taken her medicine. It would probably take a bit to get the sickness back to were it had been before but he wasn't fighting against a clock with an unknown timer anymore.

A grumble wormed from his throat as she called him a fool, head bowed to investigate the splint she had used to stabilize her leg. It looked like it would have done its job if she had kept off the leg but the swelling of her skin and fur around the edges showed just how much abuse it had gone through.

"A fox?" Zane questioned, leaning into the affection she gave. The only foxes he had ever seen had been very...skittish to say the least and every time he saw them they were leaving or just starting to.

"So you make friends with a fox. Walk around on a clearly hurt leg, sick, and probably dehydrated, and you call me the fool?" He snorted with a shake of his head. "Between the two of us I think you're the fool here Gremlin." His words probably would have held more weight if he didn't look like he was part bush, but Zane would stand by what he said.

"I'll meet your fox friend once we get this splint off you. If only to apologize for whatever chaos you brought to them, or will bring to them." He teased with a smile on his face. If there was one thing he knew was that if you spent any amount of time with Elcid there was going to be some sort of mischief sooner or later.

"Now hold still." Pulling on his healing magic, that fought him with every step of the way he pushed it at Elcid as he put his forehead lightly against her shoulder. It was always the hardest to use it this way as opposed to just giving her a bit of blood. But blood would sometimes take time to kick in and he didn't want her to be hurt any longer than she had to be.