Same Damn Life
OOC Date: 08-13-2023, 02:15 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Whitewater  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 36"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

More words echoed within Ridley's mind and this time, he put two and two together. He recoiled slightly from the strange thing as the resounded within his skull, his head tilting hard to the left, like a dog hearing a strange sound for the first time. Interesting. Very interesting. A creature that could speak directly into one's mind was curious, and it made Ridley wonder just how it was done. Magic? That was his first thought. Magic seemed to be everywhere and within everything. In his last world, all animals had magic. They were all sentient beings, and all lives had to be honored. Ha. Honored. Honored unless they were enslaved and then handed over to him and his laboratory. Oh, how he missed his laboratory and his experiments that he was able to do. He really should find a new place to settle down and rebuild. Though, he wondered if there was the same level of technology here, or if he would have to start with rudimental tools instead.  

As the creature countered his question with one of his own, Ridley grinned, leaning further in once more to poke his nose at the beast - for what else could it be but a beast? "Of course I would." he spoke allowed, moving to try and circle the creature. It looked canid but... he sniffed and there was a strange odor he didn't recognize, or rather couldn't exactly place. "But will you?" he countered once more towards the creature, pulling back again to tilt his head the other way with his curious gaze as he completed his circle and returned to his original position. He was intrigued, and it showed in his body language. His long reptilian tail twitched with enthusiasm at the end, while his forked tongue flicked eagerly from within his jaws.