Impatience doesn't mix with injuries
OOC Date: 08-06-2023, 07:07 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in 
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
linked accounts

Dos bounding forward happily, tail waving and paws sweeping in the fashion of someone completely unconcerned with hiding herself. The twin-tail was carrying her latest catch in her mouth - a decent sized rabbit. It had been a hard one to catch for sure with all it’s twisted and the occasional twisting spring but she’d managed to catch it before it could retreat into its burrow. The burrow that she’d of course, carefully sniffed around for the scent of milk - she’d rather not orphan an entire litter of bunnies both because it would make her feel bad and in the practical sense that if they died, there’d be less food around when it got cold.

Her mother had been… well distressed was putting it lightly when she came home and announced that she’d made a wolf-friend who she was moving in-nearby. Her sister had the moved forward to sniff her for any head-injuries that could possibly be interfering with her train of thought. It had taken a lot of convincing for her family to agree to watch her talk to Elcid from a distance and reassure themselves that her friend wasn’t going to snatch her up like the rabbit dangling from her jaws. As it was, though her mother had come to accept that Dos had made a friend (“Why couldn’t you have brought a vixen home,” she’d sighed, licking Dos’ ears fondly); Uno still seemed suspicious.

Well, she’s a big sister and worrying is her job, Dos reasoned to herself, pressing through the brush to see Elcid. Immediately her tail wagged a bit and she danced forward. She dropped the rabbit happily.

”Hiya Elcid! Look what I caught - all by myself too, not shifting,” she boasted immediately. It was nice to be home and it was nice to have a friend to tell all about her catches - Uno was getting tired of listening to Dos rant about her hunting attemps.

Table by Aon