[AW] Up and Over
OOC Date: 08-06-2023, 06:51 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/12/2023  in  Great Falls  —  
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
linked accounts

Dos sighed in relief as Elcid took the poppy-seeds she offered. Dos had broken her leg exactly once in her life and had slept through the time she was meant to receive her poppy seeds. Never again. The agony she’d been in was almost unbearable and if it hadn’t hurt to so much as twitch her thigh, she would’ve turned on herself in an attempt to rid herself of it. She didn’t want Elcid to have to put up with such a thing if it was avoidable and poppy-seeds would indeed avoid it.

She’ll have to remind the other to take the valerian root when they found a safe place for her to rest. The waterfall was suddenly seeming very far away and she wasn’t even sure she wanted to try climbing the coast with a stranger. Even the barest movements were causing the blue-gray wolf immense pain so climbing was seeming less and less like a good idea.

”Maybe we can try to find a place in the ruins-” she began only to jump when Elcid tried to stand up. Her first thought was, ‘I thought we already concluded that standing was a bad idea’ and sure enough, her friend found herself right back on the ground. She refrained from shaking her head - scolding a wolf already in pain seemed like a great way to get eaten even if Elcid had been nice to her up to this point.

Instead, the vixen decided now would be a good time to display her shifting; if only to actually be of use to the wolf beside her. As it was, she was entirely too small to help her get anywhere; her frame too fragile for Elcid to lean on without both of them having to put in more work than should be demanded. Dos channeled her inner spark, letting the lightning jump across her pelt again - this time though, the arcs were red instead of gold; crackling and creating a lightly smoky scent. 

It was kind nervewracking really, transforming in front of two wolves. She supposes she could pass off the extra lightning as further exciting herself by accident - she’d been sparking the entire time so it wasn’t unusual for her quite yet. And she’d only met both of them today so the difference between her styles of lightning likely hadn’t been noted by either wolf yet.

She shook her head - no, Elcid needed her to not be freaking out like this.

The smokey smell grew stronger, and absently the vixen noted that she would need to work on that. It would be embarrassing if she was always caught because of the ozone in the air when she shifted. She quickly grew in size, her fluffy tails tragically blending into one singular (but still fluffy) tail; her muzzle broadened, and her delicate round paws became larger, more heavy. Her soft fluffy coat became thick and with guard-hairs. When the smell died down the electricity stopped jumping, settling back into her pelt as the newly formed she-wolf shook out her new coat.

"This always feels so weird," Dos rumbled in her new form. The wolf's new form was that of a slightly on the smaller side adolescent she-wolf, sunset patches from her natural form still speckled across her body in a recognizable fashion. She blinked a little to adjust to her new height on lanky legs and the fact that her ears felt smaller than usual. She shook her paws, immediately disdainful about not being able to retract her claws which were sharper than a typical wolf's given hers usually remained sheathed. Dos is fairly certain she could change the way she looked too, but the idea just sounded exhausting and given she wasn't attempting to hide her identity, was too much work for what she wanted to do. "I think I can help you walk now - like a fluffy crutch!"

Table by Aon