Impatience doesn't mix with injuries
OOC Date: 08-05-2023, 12:17 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in 
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Teen Average 25"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

It had been a couple days now since Elcid had been unceremoniously transported from some ancient laboratory only to be dumped in the top of raging rapids to then be tossed off of a waterfall. It had been one hell of a day, and now she was feeling the consequences of the situation. Thankfully, she had been found by a considerate and curious fox - Dos - and a nurse to help put her pieces back together - literally. She had been banned from using her injured leg for anything at all. There was to be absolutely no weight placed on the appendage that had been splinted and cared for. She (reluctantly) took the offered herbs and medicine as they were given to her and though she hadn't started to feel better, she was grateful for the compassion and selflessness of those who had stumbled across her. 

Dos had set her up in the ruins after helping her navigate there from her original place of healing. It wasn't near enough to cause her family any sort of concern and Elcid still remained oblivious to where Dos might actually live, but it was comforting to know that at least she was somewhere nearby should she need help. She also felt devestated with her injury. She always needed help her whole life. She was the runt and the unfavored daughter of her parent's last litter. She was cursed with a dark affliction that would eventually kill her. She was never well, but had gotten decent at making others believe that she was. 

Until she fell off of her medicine. It was hard to pretend then. No matter what sort of food was brought to Elcid, she couldn't stomach it. She made an effort to eat and would sometimes successfully manage until she was left alone. Then, when she was sure she was alone, she'd manage to hobble her way out of her hidey hole and deposit her dinner in a hidden corner to be covered up by dirt and foliage. She didn't want Dos to know the truth of her real condition. The broken leg and fractured shoulder were chump change compared to her real illness. 

It was about mid-day as Elcid laid within her makeshift temporary home. She rested as the doctor ordered, and felt miserable about herself. No, not miserable. Elcid was scared. Would she ever see Zane again? Would she be forced to suffer the fate of her illness after hardly living her young life? And what of the evil creature who had put her into this position? Would she ever find any clues about who had done this to her? Her mind swam with the questions as she pouted in her den, her ears perking only because she heard rustling outside. Had Dos come to visit her again?