New Horizons
OOC Date: 08-02-2023, 11:49 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/01/2023  in  Brightwood  —  

Species Nonbinary Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 24"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
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Lahwa sniffed the ground curiously, their paws pressing lightly into the warm grass. They took in a deep breath of the air, looking around with consideration for their surroundings. The red wolf had taken a bold-step forward for themself, leaving the familiar security of tropic forest that they were born and raised in. They were a cautious creature by nature, rarely allowing the mere thought of leaving the humid forest cross their mind. It had started to get rather lonely - their siblings moving on the different areas of the world, exploring and maybe even forming packs of their own. But Lahwa had remained in the trees that were their nursery.

They didn't know what was so different about that day - that dawn a few sunrises ago that pushed them to finally venture outside of the confines they built for themself, but there had to have been something.

For now the red-wolf had journeyed all the way to the grasslands, finding themself drawn towards the tall, pale-barked trees with golden leaves dappling the grounds.

It's so much cooler around here, Lahwa remarked to herself, taking in another breath of air. It was so much lighter on her lungs, drier in her nose than the air she was used to. It truly felt like dawn despite it being later in the day. A time of day that they traditionally wouldn't dare to be awake during, lest she risk overheating. They felt a little silly for taking so long to venture out now - this was how their siblings had been living? How their family was living? The tropics are still home but I could get used to this.

The wolf gave a little bit of a shake, dislodging any debris caught in their pelt from their travel only to freeze when they heard branches crunching.

Ah. That's why I don't travel, Lahwa remembered on the spot, shrinking away from the one approaching them. Social interactions.