Lullaby [AW]
OOC Date: 07-31-2023, 09:48 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/29/2023  in  Tangled Jungle  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 40"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

Reuniting with her brother had brought a bit of peace and normality to the large wolf's life. It had been several weeks since she had found herself planted somewhere within this new world, but slowly she was growing accustom to it. Though her brother was here with her, it didn't keep the aches and pains of leaving the rest of her family completely away. When she was alone and she was sure there were no others to judge her, Sage wept for herself. She wept because she missed her mother, and she missed her other siblings, and she missed the comforts of their home, and she missed her father's old workshop tools. She missed the laughter and the commotion and the business that was her entire family. But, it was only when she was sure she was alone that she let herself feel these emotions. When Wroth was around, or when she came across other strangers, Sage was the happy-go-lucky plush wolf that she strived to be. Polite. Caring. Considerate. A heart full of gold, and a mind full of selflessness. 

It was this selflessness that caused Sage to leave the mountains and trek southward as she floated on air currents through the sky. With her wings outstretched, the sparkles within her membranes shined with the sun beating down. They shined like diamond specks, glinting here and there, and each slow flap made them shimmer and shift. Her long tail floated along out behind her and her rainbow colored mohawk ripped back and fourth as the wind currents caught hold and tussled her fur and hair. She had no way to know for sure that south meant warmer environment, but it made enough sense for her to at least try out the logic. 

Luckily enough for Sage, her assumption had been correct. After several long breaks to rest her lungs, wings, and fill her stomach with food and water, she had made it from the mountains to a dense jungle. It was perfect. She was sure she could find what she was looking for if she just searched hard enough through the thick underbrush. What, one might ask, was she searching for? Flowers and berries. She wanted to acquire a set of dye for her current project: a secret for her brother. She scouted the jungle for a good spot to land and after circling for several spins, settled down in an opening where the canopy parted. Sage's gentle landing was followed up with a soft, satisfied hum of contentment. At a quick glance, she would easily find what she was looking for. In fact, she spotted some brightly colored flowers - purple and yellows - and approached them to gently pluck the delicate petals with her teeth to deposit them into a rough-crafted hide bag draped around her neck. 

Just as she reached forward to pluck one of the larger flowers, she noticed a movement in the brush. Her eyes shifted from the flower to peer deeper into the underbrush, spotting something beneath. Was it a rock? It certainly looked to be a rock at first glance with it's shape. But then she could have sworn she saw movement. Maybe a lizard had skittered past her peripheral visions and her mind had played a funny game on her. The shell of the egg peeked upwards and she saw it this time - not a lizard or rock for sure - and a tiny little snout took a sniff at the world. What on earth had she just found? She wasn't sure, but somehow she sensed that it was akin to herself - canid in nature. 

Afraid of scaring the little creature, Sage withdrew her head from the top of the bush and laid down on her stomach to shove her head back into the bush more at ground level. She rested her head on her large front paws, wiggling her way in, and yet still gave the tiny creature enough room to finish... hatching? "It's ok, little one. You can do this." she offered with a gentle and reassuring tone. It didn't matter who the creature was, or if they were alone or waiting for a family or what. To Sage, it was a life that needed a little bit more guidance. "The world is a bright and beautiful place to explore. Come on out, and you'll see." She just hoped that it's parents didn't find her and think her trying to harm it. That would certainly change her plans for the day, more than this already had.