[AW] Up and Over
OOC Date: 07-30-2023, 03:59 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/12/2023  in  Great Falls  —  
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
linked accounts

Dos listened intently to the listed herbs, her body slowly relaxing as the other kept talking. The herbs mentioned were all things her mother had brought up in her lessons before Dos left on her big adventure, reassuring the vixen that the wolf before them was at least the real-deal regarding healing. Whether or not she actually healed her friend remained to be seen but it still soothed her mildly frazzled nerves to know the wolf was telling the truth about being a healer at the very least.

They watched with careful, sharp eyes as the she-wolf worked; comparing everything she did to the things she'd been taught. Dos was no healer but she sincerely hoped she'd be able to tell the difference between genuine assistance and sabotage if the situation demanded it. She pawed the ground with her left paw lightly in her anxiety, her elevated heart-rate triggering another wave of electricity to jump across her pelt. The amber orb resting around her neck glowed faintly in response to her powers, drawing the undirected sparks towards itself; preventing her from accidentally shocking Elcid just from being near-by. She'd always thought the orb was pretty, but the vixen was really appreciating its secondary purpose as a form of spark-slnk right now.

I don't even wanna know how many creatures I would've shocked by accident, Dos mused to herself, glancing back to the wounded form of her friend.

"My tails are great luck," she proclaimed. Not entirely true given how some foxes treated her for having two so young, but others were impressed with her apparent talents and skills. If they encountered a coyote, they'd be fine at least. They easily shrugged off the remark about her shapeshifting talents - they didn't care much about talking of her powers. It wasn't uncommon for foxes to be shapeshifters after all - not in her community anyway,"Sure."

They didn't like the idea of having to cause her friend pain but she knows that if Elcid's leg was to heal correctly, it would have to reset into place. Still, that didn't make her yelp of pain and the crack of the bone being shifted any easier to hear. The vixen cringed, watching her friend spit the poppy seeds right back out of her mouth - ooh, Elcid was going to regret that. She stood, pushing aside the faintly nauseous sensation in her tummy - she was always bad with mangled limbs and hearing someone's bones shift was just immensely uncomfortable.

Still, she rose hesitantly to her paws; padding quickly towards the remaining poppy seeds electing to take collect two of them before hobbling towards the prone form of her friend.

"You're gonna want these," she said sympathetically to Elcid. "You're going to hate your life for a bit if you let the pain set in for too long."


Table by Aon