Prove Yourself [AW Meeting]
OOC Date: 07-29-2023, 12:56 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/28/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
ooc. Optional pack meeting before we get too may characters in the pack to do stuff like this. Anyone interested in just seeing who else is in the pack or obtaining a task / working toward a higher rank can pop in.

A week had passed since Caedwyn had sent messages to the far corners of the lands. Tiny scrolls had been sent via birds to fly north and south. East and West, wolves had been sent to carry the message by mouth: Come One. Come All. Of course such a message would be unlikely to be heeded by everyone. And soon enough as their numbers grew such a meeting would be unfeasible. But for now Caedwyn wanted to see who would answer. Not only that, he wanted to know who among them had aspirations to prove themselves useful to the pack. So Caedwyn had summoned those who were willing to the grasslands where the flowers grew thick and tall. A large boulder rose tall above a clearing, and the sun above marked high noon. It was time.

Caedwyn approached to see a gathering of wolves and he moved quietly over to the boulder, leaping atop it so he could see the faces of the wolves clearly (and so they could see him). He cleared his throat, directing attention to himself and listened as the chitter chatter grew quiet. "I trust your travels have been easy," Caedwyn greeted, looking around for a moment. "You have all answered the summons to be here today for one purpose: we must solidify our roles within this new pack. We each have a part to play to ensure our pack survives. Those who are able, should speak up now if you have skills to offer. We are in need of healers, sentries, and many other roles. Speak your name and what skills you have to offer if you wish to be granted a task."

Caedwyn paused, allowing those who were willing to answer if they wished.

"Not only do we need wolves who are willing to perform tasks, we need leadership to help maintain order. There are many lands to watch over. I cannot lightly place someone in authority without knowing their capabilities or worth - but, if you wish to be considered, speak now so that we can plan to acquaint ourselves more in the future. I will keep a careful watch on those who wish to lead, so we can learn if you are worthy."

Again Caedwyn grew quiet, waiting to see if anyone was bold enough to put themself forward.

