All Over Again
OOC Date: 07-26-2023, 01:07 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

What kind of game was he playing at? It wasn't one that required much thought -- he wanted answers, wanted to know who the strangers before him are, and she hates to say they're giving more than she's willing to share. She keeps the smile though, the little tilt of her head as soft pale eyes watch the male with mild curiosity. When he makes his guess at Gabriel's relation, she has half a mind to just say they're lovers and call it that, but that would neither look true nor be fun to say, so she adds some more spice to it.

Casually do the words come out, “No, just a one night stand that did not turn out great. That the Gods brought us here together is a laugh,” she did not bother to look to Gabriel for his reaction, only interested in the other male's before her. Plus, she already knew how he'd react.

And when Gabriel suggests giving them names instead, Ceartas instead pipes in with, “All this talk of names. Your deer is getting away! We must get out of this heat and help you find it,” if there even is a deer, and if there is, it's certainly long gone by now. She begins to move away from the sulfuric pools off in the distance, keeping the stranger within line the sight, “This land is yours, correct? And yet you are so patient with us being here. Just moving in?”