Take your medicine! - P
OOC Date: 07-23-2023, 04:45 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/20/2023  in  Brightwood  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Teen Average 25"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

It had been over a week since Elcid had ended up thrown over the top of a waterfall, only to be rescued by a caring fox and a healer wolf. Unfortunately for Elcid, no one had been able to help her with her condition, mostly because she didn't share her condition with anyone else. It wasn't something Elcid enjoyed discussing openly as it was, and with strangers? No thanks, no matter how nice either of them had been towards her. Honestly, the fox Dos had quickly worked her way into her friendship circle. She had never dreamed of being friends with a fox, and yet she was sad to leave her behind, searching for colder climates and furthermore - for Zane. She would be back, however. She would have to find the wolf who had done this to her. She would do so with Dos' help, if it was the last they she did. 

Moving north was slow going. Her leg had been splinted, thanks to the healer, but that didn't mean that it was healed enough for her to walk on. In fact, she was told not to spend too much time on it, but that didn't stop Elcid. She was determined to find Zane, even though she had no idea if he was even here. She didn't want to think about that possibility. She couldn't think about that possibility. If she did, she knew it wouldn't bode well for herself for multiple reasons. Each day was painful as she limped on three legs. Painful because when she forgot to hold her fourth leg up and stepped on it, her shoulder screamed with shock. When she remembered to favor the limb, her three other legs screamed in agony. Each step stung. Each muscle in her limbs protested in her journey across the lands. It didn't matter. She had a purpose

When Elcid made her way through the jungle to the grasslands, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. Finally she was out of the humid jungle. She was that many steps closer to being in a more comfortable environment at least. She'd stumbled upon an area with trees that looked to be enjoying the fall season, and yet the air was still hot and dry. It made her curious, made her wonder if there was some sort of magic at work in the region. Too bad she felt too ill to inspect it all closer. Not only had the black bile been more of a nuisance than before, but her stomach was essentially rejecting anything she tried to put inside it. It had been four days since she'd eaten a meal. Four days, and her body felt weak from the lack of nutrition, the endurance of travel, and the recovery of her injuries. 

Still, Elcid pressed on. 

Suddenly a howl rang out through the region. A howl she recognized. A howl that sent a surge of energy through her being. What were the odds? What were the odds that somehow, by going north, she'd come across the wolf she had been searching for? Eagerly, Elcid returned his call, though it was cut short by a coughing fit. 'I'm over here' it told him, trying to hide her tiredness and pain. Then, slowly like she'd done the whole length of the journey so far, she started to limp her way towards his call.