[AW] Up and Over
OOC Date: 07-19-2023, 11:29 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/12/2023  in  Great Falls  —  
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
linked accounts

The twin-tail frowned a little when the she-wolf shivered, moving forward reflexively to touch her nose to Elcid's shoulder (or as high up as she could get) in an attempt to comfort her. Dos had only met the blue and gray furred wolf less than an hour ago but since Elcid was a friend now, the vixen was determined to cheer her up. She almost offered to support her before the dramatic size-difference between them reasserted itself in her mind - she sincerely hopes that she gets at least a little bigger when she's fully grown. It was kind of intimidating to see how large the world was now that she was out and about by herself. She went to answer the question on her shifts when rustling from behind caught her attention.

Dos immediately shrank back, her chipper demeanor fleeing rapidly as her mind only processed, Big. Very big wolf.

Certainly Elcid was big as well but she had awkward long legs and knobby paws that Dos associated with youth - not a full-grown wolf the same way Dos wasn't a full grown-fox. Adolescents could be trusted most of the time, were more open to being friends, but her mother had always explicitly warned her about adult wolves. She stepped back nervously, unwilling to leave her new friend to an unknown but her fight-or-flight was beginning to kick in too. She hadn't even unlocked her foxfire yet! She couldn't die a fireless fox! It was a bit of a relief when her new friend stepped between her and the new wolf, even if it was kind of embarrassing to be protected by an injured party. Elcid was much bigger than her so at least Dos would be able to provide back-up for her if it came to a fight while the larger wolf provided general guidance.

Nurse? the vixen perked up a little, her wariness dying back. It seemed Elcid recognized the other wolf's behavior as non-threatening and the statement of their skillset drew Dos' interest. A nurse was good - a nurse may actually be able to care for Elcid's injuries if it ended up being more serious than either of the young canids had anticipated.

"Can you heal her foot?" asked Dos, more interested in the stated help. If the newcomer could help, then the vixen would be more than happy to make another friend - two wolf friends in one day? Her mother would never believe her! But Elcid's safety was of high priority.


Table by Aon