Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-18-2023, 10:15 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

"Caedwyn..." The way she said his name felt like a warm welcome. It didn't seem to hold a tone of displeasure or rejection and Caedwyn took this as a sign she had accepted his actions. The back of her paw brushed against his face and he pushed his head into it, allowing her to more fully caress him (if she desired to do so). At her touch, his paw that had been lifted moved and his shifted his weight to place his leg to the other side of her, so that his forelegs were straddling to each side of her and he lowered himself, relaxing his weight until his chest came down against hers, the front half of his body laying atop her. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

When she spoke, his head dropped down to the side of hers and pushed into her, his eyes closing as he felt a sense of relief. Part of him was so scared that she was immediately going to push him away, to reject his touch. He had no idea of the inner turmoil and uncertainty of her thoughts. All he knew was that he was still here, right now in this moment, beside her, embracing her. He flicked his head to nuzzle her cheek. He wanted this. He wanted her. He felt a wave of emotion pour over him and felt as though all this time he had been denying himself to admit it. All the times he had been so angry with her seemed to wash away. All the times he was overjoyed when fate brought their paths together again; He felt now that all along he had suffered simply because he couldn't admit to himself how much he longed for her all this time. And he'd been too cowardly to do something about it. He had been angry when he missed her becoming Tsilltan. He'd been angry when he found out she was mated to Rin. Angry when she didn't trust him. It was all because he hadn't shown her he was worth something. And now finally he was here with her.

"I want you like the moon wants the night." He wanted to scream to her. To beg and plead for her to acknowledge him and take him in her grasp and embrace him in return. He wanted to consume her, to have every fiber of her being and make her his so that she would never slip away again. He had already promised to follow her. He had promised her a home. But he wanted more.

As he lay atop her, he could feel the rise and fall of her chest breathing, his own breathing just as quick and heavy with excitement. He could feel the thump-thump of a racing heartbeat. Was that his own heart or hers? How would he know if she desired someone? The thought intruded into his mind once more. Was this desire? The touch of her paw had been gentle and yet some part of him hesitated. She had asked him what he wanted. That was far from saying what she wanted. A shiver ran through his body, from head to toe. A tingling sensation moved through him. He wanted her. Her words cracked the confidence that had once moved through him and a splinter of doubt worked it's way to his core. He was ready for this moment but, what if she didn't want him in return?

His body felt hot. Was it the way they were touching doing this to him? or was it the heat of the afternoon, slowly turning to evening. The buzz of cicadas rang in his ears and her words echoed in his mind. He wanted to show her what he wanted, but the doubt had crept in. He wasn't about to force himself on her if that wasn't what she wanted, but she hadn't said no. She hadn't recoiled at his touch nor had she pushed him away. Her touch had been so gentle to him just now. Surely that meant she wanted this also. So why had she asked him that question? Was he just overthinking all of this?

"If my Queen wants it," his words came out in a slow, low tone, lingering flirtatiously with a slight pause. His mouth parted slightly and he pushed his muzzle up from her cheek where he had caressed her, up to her ear. Using his teeth, he gently grabbed hold of her near near its base, nibbling and pulling it teasingly. "... make me yours and you shall have it." He would leave it up to her to decide now. She would have to give him a sign, he decided. It was the only way he'd know for sure.

