What's Whazzit? Whazzit Weyrd is a joke. Wait, no it's not. Well, yes, but... no. Whazzit Weyrd is what other Weyrs are already, except we're cutting off the frills and going a little overboard... Whazzit Weyrd isn't here to roleplay life on Pern. Whazzit Weyrd is a game. A contest. The goal? To get the most Prettyshinies. But also to have obscene amounts of fun doing it.
PrettyShinies are the creatures that came with Pern... and a little more. Indeed, a lot more. So many in fact that new ones are popping up weekly, created by our very own players to cause endless enjoyment for Whazzit's inhabitants. So we here, have an inexplicable amount of little creatures running around, all here for the taking.
But really, we’re not only about the Shinies. They’re a nice focus to have, but really, what’s fun is the roleplay. We have a legion of awesome RPers who have great senses of humor, so not only do we have great roleplay but on occasion some terribly hilarious scenes. We have frequent events and just a generally great playerbase, that is always looking for new members.
So, do you think you can do it? Can you roleplay well enough to get a flight of queens, or, are you maniac enough to get so many creatures that world domination is only a command away?
Let's see who comes out on top, in the end!
PrettyShinies are the creatures that came with Pern... and a little more. Indeed, a lot more. So many in fact that new ones are popping up weekly, created by our very own players to cause endless enjoyment for Whazzit's inhabitants. So we here, have an inexplicable amount of little creatures running around, all here for the taking.
But really, we’re not only about the Shinies. They’re a nice focus to have, but really, what’s fun is the roleplay. We have a legion of awesome RPers who have great senses of humor, so not only do we have great roleplay but on occasion some terribly hilarious scenes. We have frequent events and just a generally great playerbase, that is always looking for new members.
So, do you think you can do it? Can you roleplay well enough to get a flight of queens, or, are you maniac enough to get so many creatures that world domination is only a command away?
Let's see who comes out on top, in the end!