Ah, the strange creature had finally stopped bristling at her - good. She was starting to wonder if the comment he made on her ferocity had in fact, been sarcasm based rather than a true appreciation for her noble form given the continuous efforts toward posturing. Her mother had done that when she was very young, pretending to be more frightened than she was to encourage Saira's roar and efforts toward stalking and it would be rather insulting to discover this other creature felt the need to encourage her in the same way.
"I see," Saira notes, twisting lightly in the water with a slow swish of her long tail. "Well if you are truly not a sea-dragon… such caution is reasonable. A new, large predator should always be regarded with care."
Though such a fact was a rarity for Saira herself - she had yet to come across something she would deem 'a new predator' or new enough to warrant such open hostility. Although… wouldn't such a display of hissing and growling set off something bigger? Maybe River Delta had another skill hidden under his fur on the off-chance that a predator is as unconvinced by his aggressive display as Saira had been and deemed pursuing him worth the effort. A massive sea-beast of some sort, more familiar to what he was used to.
She flipped to look at him properly in the wake of a proper apology, her tail rippling slowly left to right and she floated on her back this time, peering up at him from brilliant green eyes as she hooked the sea-grass she'd been playing with before.
"I accept your apology River Delta," declared, flicking the sea-grass over her head to bob lightly in the water. If he wasn't a sea-dragon and he didn't know what he was (he just looked 'like this?' she supposes she just 'looked stripey' then) there was no point in pestering him for answers about sea-life. Not when there was a perfectly good game of keep-away that could be achieved instead. "Wanna play?"