Eon approached her on wing, settled for a moment to observe her in her sprawled state, then took wing once again only to return with a branch between his jaws. Ah, smart thinking! Her laughter subsided, but she remained in a light mood. She was feeling giddy after such a slip and fall. "I'd forgotten what it was like to walk on ice. It's so fun sliding across it." With her sway over the various forms of water, it became common for her to secure her footing by manipulating the surface. Muscle memory, really.
Enya leaned forward, digging her claws into the ice as she made an attempt to gather her paws beneath herself. She reached up and grabbed at the branch Eon had brought, giving it a tug as she did so. A glint of mischief shined in Enya's eyes. She tugged the branch again, harder this time, as she used her grip she had acquired to pull against Eon. She tried to pull him towards her while simultaneously pushing herself away to slide off to the side.
Strength Roll: Tries to pull Eon past her to slide him towards the bank they're trying to reach
Success: Hurrah! Eon is an ice skater!
Failure: Your choice of what happens
Dexterity Roll: Enya tries to move out of Eon's way after pulling him
Success: Slides off to the side in a sit
Failure: Doesn't move. Gets smacked by the branch in her attempt. That's what u get, enya.